Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mila & Mia

So a couple of weeks ago, Mila and I went on a playdate with Amanda and her baby Mia, who's only 2 and a half weeks older than Mila. I love that they are so close to each other in age! They live like less than 10 minutes away and so today we met again for a walk. At first we thought we'd be rained out, but it cleared up just in time! The weather was perfect: a cool 75 degrees. Love it! We took a walk around her neighborhood and walked down to the river. It was a beautiful day. The girls slept through most of it though, LOL! But the mommies had a great time chatting it up! It's so great to talk to another new mommy, especially one that is going through the same thing I am. We talked about sleep routines, pumping, baby activities, going back to work, baby poop, the works! Haha!

After our walk to the park, we went back to Amanda's house and took a few pictures of the two little girls together. Is this not the cutest thing EVER???! They are holding hands!!!

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