Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Emmy Sophia is here!

38 weeks, 5 days pregnant (Please note, this is my daughter's birth story and I'm writing it so I can remember every single detail of that day. This is a disclaimer that there are descriptions and pictures that may be a bit graphic, and while I'm happy to share it with you, if you'd rather not see this, please feel free skip this post. Thank you!)

Our little Emmy Sophia is here! She was born Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 at 11:21am. She was born completely naturally and without complications and weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. Below is the story of her arrival...

It's been a long two days - yes - two days in labor! I was always told that labor for the second child is always faster than the first, and my midwife and my doula were telling me this one will probably go faster - and Mila was born fast herself! (With Mila, contractions started at 1am, my water broke at 4am and she was born at 10:57am.) So we were all pretty nervous that things could go faster than we might anticipate.

Contractions Begin - Monday, October 10th, 2011

It all started early Monday morning. I woke up around 4am. I was feeling some contractions and at first, I ignored them and tried to fall back asleep. When I couldn't, I thought maybe we should start timing them, just to make sure. Jorge had installed an app on his iPad called Contraction Timer. I liked this app better than the one we used with Mila on the Blackberry the last time around. This one not only measures how far apart the contractions are, but also how intense they are. They were about 7 minutes apart but not that intense, so I thought I should shower, just in case this was the real deal. I remember being in the shower and it suddenly hitting me that this could actually be it and that my baby would be born today! As I got out of the shower, I felt really cold and I felt a rush of adrenaline. I started shaking so bad that my teeth were literally chattering and I started breathing really heavy. As I warmed up and got dressed, I continued to time my contractions. I realized that the intensity had gone down a bit and that they weren't happening as frequently. I've read that when you get excited/scared during labor and it causes an adrenaline rush, that it can actually turn off your labor. It's your body going into survival mode! Pretty clever, the body is. I was hoping this wasn't the case though. As nervous as I was to go into labor, I wanted it to happen already!

During my shower, Jorge called his sister, Blanca, to come over. She would be the one staying with Mila while we are at the hospital. Also, as luck would have it, we have our apartment listed for sale and we had a showing that afternoon to a potential buyer that has seen our place 3 times already and wanted to see it again during the day and once again at night to see the view from our balcony. So happy to have someone interested in our place, but not so happy that it just so happens to be the very same day I'm in labor!

We called my doula to give her an update on what was going on. Now, I've been a little anxious about my doula situation because I really, really wanted my doula from last time, Lorie. But her son's wife was going to be giving birth to her first grandson just around this time and there was a slight chance that she might be out of town when I went into labor. For that reason, I had picked a back up doula - and I felt sooo much better. Stacy was really just as fantastic as Lorie. I really wanted Lorie mostly because she'd been there with me last time and she knew what I liked, but I was comfortable with them both. Anyway, I called her to tell her what was going on and to see if she was in town. Luckily, she was - and she told me she'd be in town until the following evening, Tuesday night! YES!! I told her what I was feeling and she agreed that maybe the adrenaline had slowed down my labor a little bit, but based on how frequently they were coming and that they were still a bit intense, that I should call my midwife's office to let them know.

Ugh. I really didn't want to call the office. I knew who would be on call. The midwife practice I use has 3 midwives. I have my regular midwife, Terry, who delivered Mila and I love her. She's the one I usually go see. The other two are nice too, but  I don't know them as well, and one of them I really don't feel like I have a connection with her. I mean, she's nice and all, I just don't feel a connection, ya know? The day I go into labor, it's the luck of the draw though - whichever one that's on call would be the one to deliver G2. And Terry was on call only 1 day this week! And of course, the midwife that happened to be on call yesterday was the one I didn't connect with! Figures!!

I procrastinated a bit and finally called. The contractions were a bit close together again though, about 7-8 minutes apart or so. She thought it might still be early labor, but since we live 45 minutes away from the midwife's office and from the hospital we want to deliver at, she thought it was best we should go to the office to get checked to see how I was progressing. I was so reluctant to go. I didn't want to drive all the way to the office 45 minutes away especially when I didn't feel like I was that far along and I soooo didn't want to get checked. It's absolutely awful! She said to be there at 10:30am. Ugh. I swear, I dragged my feet. I kept myself busy by doing my hair, my makeup, calling my parents and my sisters... I knew that I wasn't that far along. If I was still capable of talking and dilly dallying then I KNEW I wasn't that far along yet. (When I went into labor with Mila, by the time I left for the hospital, I couldn't hold a conversation, I didn't want to eat, I just wanted to be in the dark cuddled in the bed! I couldn't even comb my hair after getting out of the shower - forget blowdrying and straightening it! And when I got to the hospital that time, I was already 9cm!)

Jorge had been packing up the car this whole time. We made sure to pack light this time because with Mila we packed waaaay too much. But by the time we finished packing up the car, it somehow didn't seem very "light", LOL!

Don't be fooled, we had much more stuff in the car than what we're carrying!

Thankfully, Mila slept in a bit and by the time we left, around 9:45am, she was just waking up. We thought it was best to leave before she saw us, then she wouldn't have a chance to fuss (not that she normally does - but it's not every day that both mom and dad leave together so early in the morning without spending any time with her). We drove to the doctor's office. I knew there was a playdate with our mommy friends scheduled for that day, so on our way there, I called Heike to tell her what was going on. She was so excited for us! I was so happy to share this with her and the mommies - they've been there with me every step of the way!

At My Midwife's Office

We arrived at the office and the midwife saw me pretty quickly. I was so stressed about getting checked. It was more dreadful than I remember. It was still early and my cervix was high (read: that she has to go in further to feel for my cervix --- OUCH!!!!) and that I was 80% effaced (or thinned out), but only 2cm dilated. 2cm!!!!!! I was so pissed! I knew it was early!! She said that it's possible that the contractions continue and that I could go into labor later in the day, or they could stop and the baby wouldn't arrive until next week!! (When I told this part of the story to my mommy friend Spencer, she suggested that perhaps since this wasn't one of the midwives I preferred, that my cervix closed itself in protest! Oh my goodness - that made me laugh!! ) The midwife told me that although they tell first time moms to go to the hospital at 6 minutes apart, that for second time moms, it's not just the frequency of the contractions that matters, but the intensity. That for second time moms one could actually deliver at 6/7 minutes apart if they were strong enough. So she told me to make sure I kept track of the intensity as well, and she sent me home. Good to know!

Sent Home

We left the office at 11:30am and I called Lorie my doula, my parents, my sisters and the mommies with the update. So bummed. After being checked, the contractions slowed down to 8-9 minutes apart and the intensity decreased as well. We stopped and picked up Pollo Tropical for lunch, stopped at The Floridian to pick up some french toast I was craving (I was hungry? Definitely not that far along!) and then we went home and ate lunch with Blanca and Mila. The people that went to see our apartment had just left. After lunch, I laid down to rest. I was so tired and sleepy - I hadn't slept much that night! Jorge tried catching up on work, since he had taken the day off and wanted to get ahead in case the baby would be coming soon. Thankfully, Blanca was there to entertain Mila until her nap time. I was so tired! All this time, I'm still feeling contractions, they just are pretty manageable. Contractions are still 8-9 minutes apart, but not very intense.

Jorge trying to make me laugh.

After her nap, Mila played for a bit and then we went to Jack's hamburger place for dinner.Yep, there I was eating a burger and having contractions at Jacks! LOL!

My stylish outfit before going out! LOL! It had been raining and I needed sneakers and did not want to be bothered to change outfits.

Later That Night

That night, I went to bed and I was still feeling contractions. I texted Lorie with an update. Not much progress, that I thought it was pretty uneventful for now and nothing much to report. Then right before I went to bed I went to pee and I saw what I'm pretty sure was my mucous plug! (I know - TMI!) That's not too much of an indicator on it's own, but along with the other symptoms, I knew this might mean things were still going on. The contractions were about 8-9 minutes apart or so (which is still far apart) but they were getting a little more intense. I even wondered if they would let me sleep? Thankfully, I was able to sleep about an hour and a half before they got strong enough to wake me up....

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

I woke up around 2:30am and Jorge had to talk me through a few contractions. They were surprisingly intense! It felt like really, really bad cramps. I called Lorie to update her. I had felt a little bit of pressure like I had to poop (which was alarming because that's similar to the feeling of pushing!), but later I realized it was just gas! LOL!

I told her I wasn't sure if this was really it and that I was nervous about getting to the hospital too early. I didn't want to be there any longer than I had to! She reminded me that if we did get there early, that I could always labor in the labor pool. That made me feel better.  I didn't call my midwife's office right away though - I wanted to make sure this was really it.

We called Blanca so she could stay with Mila and she arrived quickly. It was about 5:00am by then. I waited an hour or so and once I saw the contractions were consistently intense, I called the midwife's office. Although the on call midwife still wasn't Terry (my usual midwife), the one that was was other midwife that I had connected with, Rachel. Although contractions were still about 7-8 minutes apart, she thought the intensity warranted that we should start heading out before rush hour. Since Jorge had packed up the car the morning before when we thought it was the real deal, there wasn't much left to put together, except for the small day-to-day stuff that we needed for the night (toothbrushes, slippers, chargers, etc.) and Jorge quickly got our stuff together.

Leaving for the Hospital

We finally left around 6:20am. The first elevator to get to our floor was the service elevator. On the way down, Jorge realized he forgot his cell phone, so I got off on the first floor and he went back up. I made my way slowly to the car and I had to stop and lean up against the wall during one of the contractions. I had just made it to the car when he came back down. Jorge had removed Mila's car seat from the backseat so I could lie down back there with my pillow. Contractions were getting so intense, I could no longer sit through them, I had to be lying down. I was still able to hold a bit of conversation between contractions, but when one came along, they were about an 8/9 intensity (out of 10) and I needed Jorge to talk me through them. They were intense!! I really wasn't in the mood to talk too much, so I sent out a text to my parents and my sister Cathy saying we were on our way to the hospital, but that I still thought there was plenty of time. No rush. (My mom and Cathy live an hour and a half from the hospital and I knew they had to work. I didn't want them to get there just to have to wait.) My dad called me to see how I was doing and we talked briefly, but then I felt a contraction coming and I cut him off with, "Contraction coming... I gotta go!" and I practically hung up on him! After that contraction was over, I texted my sister Cindy and Lorie to tell her we were on the way so they could meet us at the hospital.

At the Hospital

We got to the hospital pretty fast, at about 7am. It was still dark out. By this time, I'd gotten pretty comfortable in my position in the back seat of the car. I really didn't want to move, much less get up, walk, and go inside, so Jorge just parked. Lorie got there just a few minutes after we did and got into the car. I gave her an update on how I was feeling. I told her I didn't want to go into the hospital. I just wanted to stay in the car for a bit longer. I was afraid to go in if I wasn't that far along that they'd try to push drugs on me, that I couldn't eat/drink anything once I was admitted, that they'd hook me up to machines, etc... She was totally fine giving me time. She said we were in the middle of a shift change with the nurses anyway, so it would be fine to wait. She texted to find out who was working and requested we get a nurse that she knew was natural birth friendly. My sister Cindy arrived shortly afterward. In between contractions we talked about using the labor pool. I brought up again that I was nervous how that would work out... the hospital doesn't technically "allow" water births. They let you labor in the water, but they want you to get out before pushing. But at what point do they get you out? What if I don't want to get out? This really stressed me out. I know it's safe - I've researched it extensively - the hospital even already has guidelines written up on it, they just haven't signed off on it. So frustrating. Why couldn't I have the birth I wanted? I told Lorie wishfully, "It's my dream to have a water birth!" but in my mind I had already resigned myself to the fact that it wouldn't happen. She smiled, "Maybe for your next baby?"

I'd had a few more strong contractions in the car, and with that, Lorie then suggested we go inside. She pointed out that it seemed like the contractions were getting closer together and, again, she reminded me I would be more comfortable laboring in the water. I finally agreed.

Jorge pulled up the car to the entrance and Lorie helped me out. Cindy helped bring in our stuff and took some pictures while Jorge parked the car. I was so uncomfortable to be standing at this point. Lorie needed to help me walk. I had to stop a couple of times to get through contractions. They were so strong! And then I had to stop at the bathroom to pee - of course my bladder barely holds anything!

We went up the elevator and stopped at the security desk where they got us a wheel chair. They wheeled me in, just like they did almost two years ago when I was in labor with Mila. We passed Room 10 where Mila was born and went into the other large suite, Room 7. The room looked almost exactly like Mila's labor room did. It brought back so many memories! This time I felt so much more conscious and aware of what was going on. With Mila, I was way too far along to really pay attention to anything except for the contractions. I was nervous and excited - "This is where my baby will be born!" I thought, excitedly.

We got situated in the room and Beth, the RN Lorie had requested, came in. She was fantastic. She introduced herself and the very first thing she did was ask me about my Birth Plan. I was so happy she asked! I can't tell you how many stories I've read where the nursing staff roll their eyes at Birth Plans - much less ask to see one! I know that if anything should go wrong, that my Birth Plan goes out the window - but if it doesn't, then there are things I would prefer. Like I don't want to be connected to an IV (hep block instead if needed), intermittent fetal monitoring (instead of continuous) so that I'm free to walk around, I didn't want my membranes swept or my water broken or any drugs to speed up labor (like pitocin or anything like that). I also had requests for after the baby was born: we wanted to delay clamping the umbilical cord until it stopped pulsating on it's own so that all the blood in the placenta could go back into her, we wanted immediate skin to skin bonding after the birth (instead of them taking her away to get bathed and poked and prodded), we didn't want them to give her the standard Hepatitis B shot (this is spread by unsafe sex... she doesn't need this at birth!) or put in the standard eye ointment (that's only for women with gonorrhea or chlamydia, but they give to babies as part of routine care. We'd rather her not get something doesn't need it.) Also, it was very important for me that she stay in the room with us the whole time (not to be taken to the nursery) and should there be anything that needs to be done anywhere other than in our room, that Jorge should be able to be with her (not outside the room looking through a glass - but either holding her or right next to her. We want her to have her parents with her at all times.) You can read my full birth plan here.

Nurse Beth read the birth plan, which had already been signed by my midwife, and said everything looked good. Next, she had to check how dilated I was - which I HATE! Especially after being checked the day before and it being so painful! I braced myself and hoped there was progress... I was 5 cm. I was so surprised! I thought I was more! Beth was encouraging though. "It's the first five that take the longest... the next five are faster."

Next, Beth said she wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat and see if she was moving. She said she wanted to hook me up to the monitor, listen for the first 20 minutes and then she'd take off and just check intermittently. At this point, I'm still having contractions and they are pretty strong. I'm starting to lose the desire to have much conversation between contractions, I'm getting more serious and asked for the room to be darker... definitely progressing. Lorie, who had been helping me through contractions the whole time, asked me if I wanted her to set up the tub (which takes 30-40 minutes) or if I wanted her to stay with me for the contractions. I thought it was best for her to set up the tub.

While she set up, Jorge and Cindy helped me through the contractions. At first, I was using Jorge as my support for contractions, but he was doing so well with the counter pressure on my back, that I had him focus on that and used Cindy as my support. I put my arms around her shoulders during the contractions and tried to relax and breathe. It worked out perfectly. They both knew exactly what to do! I was so thankful to have them there with me!

Once the 20 minutes were over, Beth came back to check the printout of the fetal monitor. She said it seemed like the baby was still a little bit sleepy and wanted to hook me up to an IV to hydrate me and help wake her up a little. She said she'd do it through a hep-lock so I wouldn't be permanently attached to it. She would tape it up afterwards though, so I could get in the tub.

(Heparin Locks, or Hep Locks, are small tubes attached to a catheter, inserted into the arm and held in place with tape in order to administer drugs and fluids without injecting patients multiple times unnecessarily. Emergency situations require an accessible vein fast; the Hep Lock provides that accessibility. Medicine may be injected easily, making life simple for nursing staff and less painful for patients.)

Lorie was just about done with the tub, so I changed into my bathing suit top so I could get in the water. It was about 9am. Even though I had planned to get into the water the whole time, I was a bit reluctant. What if I didn't like being in the water? I didn't want to be wet and cold if I decided to get out. I thought I'd give it a try. Who knows, maybe I'd really like it? I got in and oh my goodness... I was so glad I did! It was so warm and relaxing. I asked they dim the lights. I wanted it to be dark. Someone closed the curtains, as the sun was already coming up. Lorie set up her iPod with relaxing music and I was in heaven... well, aside from the painful contractions, that is! It was so easy to change positions, move around and I didn't feel my weight. It took me a bit to find my spot in the tub though. I didn't know what position to get into. On land, my favorite laboring position was lying on my side, and after trying out a few spots, being on my side was the best in the water too. There was a little cushy stool at one end of the pool and I used that to rest my top knee, and I wrapped my arms around the side of the pool.

I kept my eyes closed and I did my best to focus on relaxing through the contractions. I honestly felt that dealing with the contractions in the water - although still painful - was a hundred times better than on the bed. Jorge talked me through them - he would tell me how long it had been since they'd started (15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds...). This helped a lot because most contractions last about a minute (although it feels like it's forever!) and the pain is like a wave, and they peak at about 30 seconds. So you know that once you pass the 30 second mark, that they won't get any more painful than that. He would remind me to relax my arms and my legs and my face and tell me what a good job I was doing. He would repeat this with every contraction, and although one might think it's repetitive - it isn't. I absolutely needed to hear it with every contraction. Hearing his voice helped me focus and relax. He was my rock!

The contractions were getting stronger and stronger. Lorie was also extremely helpful - she knew EXACTLY where to rub my back and use counter pressure to help with make them more tolerable. It was like she could read my mind - we were so in tune! I adore her!

Now that's a contracting belly!!!!

Typically, hospitals are very strict about not allowing a laboring woman eat anything once their admitted. The reason behind it is that should you require a c-section, the concern is that general anesthesia given to you for the surgery may cause you to vomit and aspirate it. However, recent studies have shown that general anesthesia is rarely ever given, even during c-sections, and even when it is, the changes in the practice have shown that aspiration rarely happens. (You can read more on it here.) Despite these studies, hospitals, even the one we were at, have been slow on changing their policy. In any case, Beth, the only hospital staff in our room, left the room a few times and I was able to have a few bites of a banana and a few sips of water without any concerns. (I don't understand how they expect women to have the energy to deliver a child on an empty stomach!)

Resting in between contractions...

... feeling the support of my birth coach (Jorge) and my wonderful doula during contractions.

Time passed, maybe another hour or so and the contractions were getting stronger and stronger and closer together. Beth, the nurse, would check the babies' heartbeat with a portable monitor on top of my belly.

I suddenly had the urge to pee. Lorie said I could go ahead and pee in the tub if I wanted. After all, pee is sterile. But - yuck! - I couldn't bring myself to doing it. To sit in my own pee? For who knows how long? I told her I wanted to use the bathroom instead. I waited until the next contraction was over and she helped me to the bathroom. It was literally 3 steps away from the tub and Lorie was right there with me - I had another contraction while sitting there! As soon as the contraction was over, I heard a tiny trickle... and I was almost sure it wasn't pee. Could it be my water, I wondered? I don't think Lorie noticed and I decided not to say anything. I was afraid that if anyone had any idea that my water was breaking or was broken, that I wouldn't let me back in the water - and I desperately wanted to get back in! At this time, I felt if I had stayed on the toilet for another contraction my water would really break. (Did you know the toilet is a very common and very helpful place to labor? The toilet would have definitely been my next best spot to labor in, had I not had the tub.) Sitting in the bathroom, I wasn't thinking so far ahead that I wanted to deliver in the water - I just wanted to be in it for the next contraction! It felt so good and it was so incredibly helpful! I couldn't imagine having to find another "spot" that I felt as comfortable in as I did then. Obviously, no one knows which contraction will bring on the urge to push, but I didn't care - I just wanted to be in the water when the next one hit. As soon as I got back in the water, I felt better. My mind started racing - it hit me that I wanted to have to have this baby here, in the water. I didn't want to get out again and I was afraid that they were going to ask me to get out at any moment. The contractions were really getting strong and I knew the end was soon.

Contraction in the bathroom.

During all of this, I have no idea that no one in the room has any clue how far along I am. When I have a contraction, it's not like what you see on TV. I'm not screaming, I'm not going into hysterics - I'm the complete opposite. The more you do those things - screaming, yelling, tensing up - the more the contractions hurt. In our Bradley Childbirth class, we were taught to close your eyes, relax and not fight the contractions so it would be easier to manage. So when Jorge, Lorie, Cindy and Beth saw me, all they saw was me lying quietly in the water - Jorge later said it looked almost like I was sleeping. (HA!) During contractions, I was doing my best to relax and focus on Jorge's voice...but inside, I was struggling - the water helped tremendously, but the pain was still incredible! I was using every ounce of energy I had to try not to fight it, not to tense up. I was so worried they knew how far along I was and they would ask me to get out at any minute... But I didn't realize it until afterwards, that although I knew it was getting close -  from their perspective, they didn't.

It was getting harder and harder to stay relaxed during the contractions. Jorge was doing such a great job reassuring me, reminding m to relax my face and not to clench my jaw. He would tell me that it would be over soon, that the baby would soon be in my arms, that today would soon be yesterday, and what a good job I was doing... He was so encouraging and motivating. How I love my husband!! It also helped me to think of the baby using her name... it made it feel more real, and more connected to her.

I heard Rachel, my midwife that I'd spoken to on the phone earlier, come in. She gently asked me how I was feeling. I was doing fine. Beth checked the babies' heartbeat again. Baby was doing well too. Rachel encouraged me to take a few sips of water and I did.

More time passed and I realized I had to pee again. I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I wanted to wait until Rachel left. I was afraid my water would break and she wouldn't let me back in the tub. I would open my eyes every once in a while to check, and she was still there in the room. As if she could read my mind, Rachel suggested I go to the bathroom to try and labor there. I was convinced she had been telling me to drink because she was trying to get me out of the water! I kept telling her I would go later. I was waiting for her to leave the room! The contractions were so strong now, that I KNEW if I had one on the toilet, my water would most certainly break. I had to pee sooo bad! After a few very strong contractions, I felt slight pressure and the urge to push a little. Rachel again suggested I try laboring on the toilet. Again, I say, "Not yet." Ugh! If she only knew!

This entire time, I've had my eyes closed and I'm very focused inwards. I've been in my zone and not very aware what's going on with everyone - except for knowing Rachel was still in the room. I was so far in my labor trance, I didn't even notice when my mom arrived. I just opened my eyes briefly after a contraction, and there she was, smiling at me. I don't know how long she had been there. I was so surprised and relieved to see her. I was glad she would be there for the birth! I love my mom - even though I had told her earlier that morning not to rush over (I knew she had to work that morning and I didn't want her sitting around waiting for hours - who knew how long this would take?) she did anyway - and there she was.

Jorge and my mom

Back again with my eyes closed, I suddenly hear very soft whispering. It was Lorie. I wasn't sure what she was saying, all I heard her say was, "... it's her dream! ..." I realized she was talking to Rachel, and they were discussing the possibility of me  delivering in the water. I don't know what Rachel responded, all I heard was a soft murmur, but her tone did not sound angry or insistent. I took that as a sign. Ok, I thought, I don't know how much longer I could keep waiting.... time to fess up.

Lorie and Rachel talking.

The next time she suggested I go to the bathroom, I waited a few moments, and while still in my trance-like state with my eyes closed, I said, "Honestly, I'm afraid if I go to the bathroom, you're not going to let me back in the water..." I had my eyes closed, so I didn't know what her reaction was. I just waited for  a response.


Finally, Rachel responded matter-of-factly, "As of right now, I don't have any reason not to let you back in."

That's when it hit me - she doesn't know how far along I am! I'm already feeling the urge to push! I kinda had the feeling she was being flexible and accommodating with me, but I wasn't entirely sure. I had to pee so bad though - I took that as the response I wanted to hear. I said I'd go after the next contraction. Lorie again helped me to the bathroom. As soon as I was done peeing, another contraction hit. I put my arms around her shoulders, holding on to her. I struggled to relax and not fight it. A moment later, we both heard a small trickle and I knew it wasn't pee. Lorie asked, "Connie, is that your water?" I listened to the trickle. "No, I don't feel anything. I think it's the toilet making a noise," I said. I really thought it was the toilet. We listened again. Lorie said with a laugh, "No, Connie, that's your water!" I panicked a little. I whispered in her ear, "Lorie, it was trickling the last time I was in the bathroom... And the last contraction I had just now in the water - I was already feeling the urge to push!" She barely had a chance to respond with a, "Don't worry, you're doing fine," when another contraction came and it was really intense. Still sitting on the toilet, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and tried to relax ... within a few seconds there was a super loud POP! and followed by a GUSH! Lorie exclaimed, "Your water just broke!" It sounded like it literally EXPLODED! It was so loud everyone heard it! Lorie said quickly, "Come on - let's get you back in the water!"

As I took those few steps back to the pool, another contraction came as I was putting my leg over into the pool. I tried to balance myself and my extra large belly carefully into the pool and quickly get back into my comfort position. But it was too late - this contraction was killer as I tried to get on my side -  and I felt the urge to push again. I had a couple of minutes to think about pushing... what position was I going to get into? I was so comfortable on my side, but I didn't think that I could push that way. I attempted to change positions, but I didn't like it and went back to my side. Another contraction. This time, it was a real doozy. I then felt the urge to push and I pushed!! I felt that all familiar "ring of fire" feeling as the baby's head was crowning. (I remember feeling like it wasn't as bad as I remember it being with Mila. Probably because of the water?) It hurt so bad that for the first time during a contraction, I yelled. Even though my eyes were closed, I noticed the whole room startle. Everyone seemed surprised! I felt the baby's head come out. Lorie turned me from my side to my back and explained this would be a better position. She held me up under my arms as the next contraction came less than a minute later and I had a HUUUUGE urge to push. I remember thinking briefly that I probably shouldn't push too hard so that I wouldn't risk a tear, but I couldn't help it! I just wanted to get this over with! I wanted the baby out NOW!!! And another screaming push later - the baby was out! Rachel grabbed the baby and immediately pulled her out of the water. Lorie was saying excitedly, "Connie, open your eyes! You did it! Take the baby!" Rachel had her ready to hand to me and I put her on my chest. I was so overwhelmed - I was so happy it was over! I was out of breath and still gathering myself... I couldn't believe I did this... AGAIN!

Looking at each other for the first time!

The baby was just beautiful. She was quiet at first, and we rubbed her to stimulate her and that made her cry. If you're not familiar with water births, it's entirely safe and there is never any risk to drowning or to inhaling any water as long as mom and baby are still attached and the baby hasn't yet taken it's first breath. Remember, the baby is coming from being in water inside the uterus into a water environment. They will continue to get oxygen through the umbilical cord until they take in their first breath of air. Once that happens, they stop getting it through the umbilical cord.

Jorge was ecstatic. He was kissing me and helping me hold the baby. I was still recovering from that last contraction and was cringing a little because the baby was still attached to me through the umbilical cord and I could feel it was a bit taught and as it tugged, it was very uncomfortable.

I remember looking at her - she was so precious! I felt I could just barely enjoy her though... I was so overwhelmed with what had just happened. I had barely made it back into the tub and then the contractions were just so intense... I was almost out of breath. Things started moving fast after that. Rachel wanted to make sure the placenta was ok so she wanted to get me out of the water quickly and onto the bed. I was trying to tell them that I needed a minute before I could stand up, but of course - how could I ask for more than what they had already given me?!

I held the baby (who was still connected to me!) and with Lorie and Jorge's help, I walked to the bed with the baby in my arms. In our birth plan, we had requested that the umbilical cord not be clamped until it stopped pulsating. (Read more about delayed cord clamping here.) 

During that time, I got to hold our little girl. She was just the sweetest thing. I looked at Jorge, "So we're good on her name, right?" He nodded. It's not like we had any other choices picked out! And her name would be Emmy Sophia. We'd had "Emmy" on the list for a while and had been going back and forth on it. The middle name was a bit harder to choose, but I'm really happy with our final decision. It was the perfect name for her. 

After about 20 minutes the cord had stopped pulsating and a small push later and the placenta came out without any problems. But I was still having cramping - the afterbirth pain was strong! Almost as bad as the contractions. Lorie says it gets worse with every childbirth - yikes! This was pretty bad already! Plus, I had a small tear and I needed a few stitches. And here I thought I was done! :(

Emmy had been on my chest this whole time, but I didn't realize that my wet bathing suit was underneath her. Beth took her temperature and she was a bit cold, so she put her in the warmer and took her to get weighed. I loved that she did all the baby care in the room, right there with us!

She was 6 lbs, 14 oz and 19 inches long!

Emmy didn't like being in the warmer, though. She was crying so bad. She needed to be there for a bit longer and it was a bit far from me, at the foot of the bed. I told Jorge to put his hands around her and pretend he was holding her. I just had a feeling that it would calm her down. He did it and instantly, she quieted down.

Finally, she was bundled up and Jorge got to hold his little girl for the first time.

Daddy with Emmy - I love this man!!

Finally! The worst part was over! I had been afraid of this birth because Mila's birth had been so perfect that I thought Emmy's would have more challenges. But I was wrong! It was perfect and special in it's own way. I was so thrilled I was able to have not just the birth that I wanted, but the birth of my dreams - in the water! I felt calm, confident and in control... most of the time! And most importantly, I was so blessed to have such a fantastic birth team. It wouldn't have been as wonderful as it turned out without each and every one of them. I could not have been any happier or more thankful than I was at that moment.

Jorge, Emmy and I with Cindy and Lorie

The best birth team in the whole, wide, world: Rachel, Jorge, Emmy, Cindy, Lorie and Nurse Beth

Shortly afterwards, we had to move out of the Labor and Delivery Room to the Recovery Room. Before we left, Cindy brought Panera for lunch and my mom got to hold Emmy while I ate.

Abuelita and Emmy

My dad and Cathy came by later on in the evening to meet our little girl. So excited to share our little bundle! :) Everyone was able to get a photo op!

Abuelito and Emmy

Tia Cici and Emmy

Tia Tatti and Emmy

I am so in love with this little girl! I can't wait to bring her home to meet her new big sister!!!


  1. Thank you so much Connie for sharing your amazing experience with us! You are a very strong-willed woman and I admire your determination in such a special moment. Congrats for your beautiful little girl and for having the delivery of your dreams! Cheers, Magaly


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