Thursday, April 30, 2009

Telling My Parents

My family came over last night for dinner and we told them! Between dinner and desert I told them the big news. I told them that Jorge and I had been talking and planning to have kids sometime soon, and they wouldn't have to wait for long (started crying here) because I'm preg--- (sobbing began here, incomprehensable gibberish followed.) Cathy instantly knew and jumped up and hugged me. My mom and dad were confused. What? They had no idea what I said. I finally repeated the news and it seems like they were utterly shocked. Then they broke out in smiles and cheers and hugged us! They were thrilled!! Their first grandchild!

Cindy and Justin had fortunately brought their new DSLR camera and took amazing pictures. I am so glad they captured my parent's faces! It was priceless!!

It was wonderful to share our special news with my mom and dad, Cathy, Blanca, Cindy and Justin. :)

Click here for more pictures!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Second Wedding Anniversary

Ok. There is no denying it now. We're pregnant!!!!!!! We laughed, we cried! We're over the moon with the news! And on our anniversary! We woke up at around 6:30am to take the test so we could have plenty of time before work to soak in the news. I wanted to call my parents as soon as we saw those 2 very bright, unmistakeable lines, but I really want to tell them in person, so I'll wait. I was walking on clouds all day. It's so hard to believe that this is real -- we're pregnant! It's the best day ever. :)

When we came home from work, Jorge had brought 2 roses for me. One for the 2 wonderful things we were celebrating: our anniversary and our baby-to-be. So romantic! We were planning on having our annual anniversary dinner tradition at a burger place. (It became a tradition because after our wedding we went to the hotel and we were starving! We ordered a burger for room service and set up a little table in front of our window. It was so romantic, sitting there with our wedding gear half undone with barefeet and scarfing down a burger. So simple!) But in light of our new little growing family member, we decided to do something a bit more healthy and went to our favorite Cuban place, Padrinos. It was also the place where we had our rehersal dinner, so it was still relavent to our wedding.

Over dinner we discussed how we would tell our family. Jorge had already told his sister that morning over the phone and was planning to call his mom in San Francisco to tell her the next day. I wanted to tell my family in person, so we arranged to have my mom and my dad, Blanca, Cathy, Cindy and Justin come over for dinner the next day, under the guise that we'd be showing them our new sofas that were just delivered.

I'm bursting to tell them!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

And the answer is... huh?

So this morning Jorge and I took the pregnancy test. We waited the three minutes. One line -- not pregnant. Two lines -- pregnant. We walked over to the test and held our breath. We counted to 3 and we looked down at the test at the same time... for a spit second, I only saw one line, but upon closer examination, there was a second line. Very faint. Extremely faint. What could this mean???! We were so confused. I wanted so much to be elated or to be disappointed -- but didn't know how to feel. I've read that a line is a line is a line. But it was so very faint! We decided to test again. And again got the same result. Maybe we are in denial, but we decided the test was inconclusive and we will wait until Tuesday (when the test will be more accurate) to take the test again. What a great way to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I read an article about research done on pregnancy tests to see which one is the most accurate, and it found that First Response Early Pregnancy Test is the one that is the best. You can take it up to 5 days early. Jorge and I plan to take it on Sunday (3 days early) just so we'd have time to take in the news on the weekend either way. The follow-up test would be on Tuesday. Tuesday would be April 28th -- our 2 year anniversary. It seems like it will take an eternity for Sunday to get here!

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Addition Coming Soon...

Jorge and I have been talking about starting a family for the last several months. We'd love to have a little one to share our lives with. We aren't pregnant yet, but we're working on it! :)

I'm nervous and excited when I think about it. What comforts me is reading and learning more about it. I've been reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting," "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" and "Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy." Jorge, on the other hand, is excited, but really has not wanted to read too much about it. He says it's too soon until we're actually pregnant. I, on the other hand, am devouring every book I get my hands on.


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