Sunday, February 28, 2010

Aunt Cathy & Abuelito Visit

Cathy and my dad stopped by for a quick visit! :) It was so nice to see Cathy especially, since I know she lives an hour away and it's been a while since she's seen her little niece. It was wonderful she came over and Mila was happy to see her. Mila loves her auntie! Apparently, she tastes good too!

Sandra Visit

Our friend Sandra stopped by for a visit today to meet little Miss Mila! Sandra was my wedding coordinator. (She was fantastic by the way! Check her out at We've become good friends and I'm so excited for her and her husband, as they are expecting their first baby in July!

Mila will have a little playmate soon!

Mila made herself comfy on Sandra's little baby bump! Too cute!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Night Time Routine

Needless to say, with a little 7-week old baby, I'm not getting a lot of sleep. She nurses every 2-3 hours and I'm up several times during the night. Right now, I'm on maternity leave and Jorge is working, so during the week I do the night shifts so he can get some rest. After all, I can at least nap during the day if I have to. It's starting to take a toll on me though, I feel like I'm always catching up on sleep! I barely get 2 hours of uninterupted sleep and I'm on the verge. I try to nap during the day, but it's not easy. On the weekends Jorge helps out with diaper changes during the night so I can have a few more minutes of sleep. It doesn't sound like much, but it helps!

Last week, our friend Amanda came over with her little baby Mia that's 2 weeks older than Mila, and she told me about her night time routine. She says during the week she'll feed the baby around 9pm and she leaves the baby with her husband and then goes to bed at 9:30pm. Her husband does the bedtime feeding with pumped milk, and then puts the baby to bed. She sleeps until the next feeding around 2am or so. Although she does have to go to bed early, it's the only way she's gotten a bit more sleep during the week. I thought her routine was a good idea, although I admit the thought of going to bed so early didn't sound so great. I'm a night person and I'd rather stay up late than get up early, and I wanted to still be able to spend some time with Jorge. I would stay up until 11pm or midnight with the baby asleep on my lap watching tv with Jorge, but then I'd be up until 2am trying to get her to go to sleep after her feeding! I found myself very sleep deprived if I didn't nap until noon the next day trying to catch up on sleep. I was becoming very cranky and grumpy and knew something had to change.

So Monday, we started a new sleep routine. I would feed her and then I would try to go to bed at 9:30. Then Jorge would feed her around 11:00pm and hopefully he'd make it to bed by midnight, the latest. Worst case, if she didn't fall asleep then he would wake me and I'd nurse her to sleep. Apparently, no one gave Mila the memo of the new routine. She gave Jorge a really hard time the first couple of days. He'd play with her, rock her, walk with her, sing to her, but she was very fussy and seemed to be starving and wanted more than the milk we'd defrosted. Around midnight, poor Jorge had to wake the reinforcement! At least I got a couple of hours sleep though -- and then after that feeding she was out until 5am and I got 4 hours of sleep! Sleep, glorious sleep!!!

The next night it was the same thing. Jorge had to wake me up because she needed to be nursed a bit before being able to fall alseep. Seems like she pacifies at the breast before drifting off. Fortunately, since Jorge had done the tough work, she went right to sleep after that and again she was out for 4 hours.

Last night Jorge was fantastic -- he was finally able to get her to fall asleep and I got 5 hours sleep -- IMAGINE THAT!!!

I don't know if this is a fluke or if it's a growth spurt or what, but she's sleeping great at night time and I'm sleeping so much better now. I know Jorge is working a bit hard to get her to go down at night, especially as we make this transition, but it's so great to have some help! I still wake up around 4 or 5am and then again at 7am, and every 2 hours after that, but it's not so bad now. I miss being up late with him, but I don't know how I could continue the way we were going before. I was literally a walking zombie. I find I'm a much better mother during the day and a much better wife when he comes home. It's still a bit hard for both of us, but it's getting better. We're just taking it one day at a time.

(Mila fighting sleep, on daddy's shoulder... do you see that big drop of drool hanging from her lip? haha! Click to see it larger.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Visit from Beth & Jeff

This weekend we had my good friend Beth and her hubby Jeff come over to meet little Miss Mila. It was so nice to see them! Beth and I work together and we'd always IM all day and since I'm out on maternity leave, I'm not online as much and it feels like we haven't talked in ages! It was so wonderful that they came over! They brought lunch ... and an apple pie! And you know how much we looooooove apple pie! I would've taken a picture, but we inhaled that puppy in a jiffy! Sooooo good! :)

I was so excited to see them that I totally forgot to take pictures! Boo! I guess they'll just have to come over again so we can take some, LOL! We'll have to re-enact the apple pie too, of course! Heehee!

So good seeing you guys! We'll see you soon -- I'm planning to stop by the office with Mila next week, if she's up for it(crossing my fingers)!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby This Week: 7 Weeks Old

Your baby's hands should be mostly open now and ready to reach out to the world. Although your baby can't grab objects just yet, she can grasp things placed in her hands. And once she wraps her hands around something, she might not let go so easily. She'll also try to bat at objects, so keep potentially dangerous items far from her reach.

Your baby's brain is expanding in size and complexity. It will grow about 5 centimeters during the first three months.

You may notice short periods of time when your newborn is quiet and alert. This is prime time for learning. Use these calm intervals to get better acquainted with your baby — talk to her, sing to her, describe the pictures on the walls. She may not be able to add to your conversation just yet, but she's learning nonetheless.

New textures for her hands to feel and new sights and sounds (all in moderation) are all learning opportunities. Even bath time becomes a laboratory for understanding the world around her.

Your baby can track objects with both eyes now, able to follow things consistently and well, she can track a moving object much better, something she may have been able to do for only brief periods since birth.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Family Photos

We had some family photos taken this weekend with Karyn from In Bloom Photography. She did a fantastic job!! The pictures came out great!! :)

Click on the pictures to see them larger.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Newborn Ten Commandments To Parents

This made me tear up! So true!!!


Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I come to you a small, immature being with my own style and personality. I am yours for only a short time; enjoy me.

1. Please take time to find out who I am, how I differ from you and how much I can bring you.

2. Please feed me when I am hungry. I never knew hunger before and clocks and time mean little to me.

3. Please hold, cuddle, kiss, touch, stroke and croon to me. I was always held closely in your womb and was never alone before.

4. Please don't be disappointed when I am not the perfect baby that you expected, nor disappointed with yourselves that you are not the perfect parents.

5. Please don't expect too much from me as your newborn baby, or too much from yourselves as parents. Give us both six weeks for me to grow, develop, mature and become more stable and predictable; and six weeks for you to rest and relax and allow your body to get back to normal.

6. Please forgive me if I cry a lot. Bear with me and in a shrot time, as I mature, I wil spend less time crying -- and more time socializing.

7. Please watch me carefully and I can tell you things which soothe, console and please me. I am not a tyrant who was sent to make your life miserable, but the only way I can tell you that I am not happy is with my cry.

8. Please remember that I am resiliant and can withstand the many mistakes you will make with me. As long as you make them with love, you cannot ruin me.

9. Please take care of yourself and eat a balanced diet, rest and exercise so that when we are together you have the health and strength to take care of me.

10. Please take care of your relationship with each other, for what good is family bonding if there is no family to bond to?

Thank you,
Your loving child

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby This Week: 6 Weeks Old

Has your baby smiled at you yet? If not, he will soon. At 6 weeks, about half of all babies can recognize their parents, and many of those babies are so delighted that they welcome Mom or Dad with an excited, gurgly grin. This is one of the first signs that your baby is developing an ability to socialize. In fact, it's called a "social smile," and it's one of the more emotionally gratifying milestones you'll see your baby reach.

Now that your baby's awake for longer periods during the day, you can use these times to support his sensory development. Try singing your favorite lullabies or playing music.

You don't have to limit yourself to children's songs. Fill the house with the sounds of music — from the Black Eyed Peas to Mozart — and watch as your baby expresses his pleasure through coos, lip smacks, and jerking arm and leg movements.


Mila at Six Weeks

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Playdate with Baby Liv

Today our friends Karina and Michael were in town and they stopped by to visit with thier 8 month daughter, Liv. We had a lovely time! Baby Liv is soooo cute the way she laughs and claps her hands! She is able to crawl commando style and can even take a few steps, with a little bit of help! So adorable!!

Baby Liv and Baby Mila seemed to get along well- I have a feeling they're going to be great friends!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Playdate with Baby Benjamin

Mila had her first date today... with an older man too! Today I met with Virginia and her 10 week old baby boy, Benjamin. Virginia and I met on messageboards and we realized we had a lot in common: we both had natural births, gave birth at the same hospital, had the same midwife, both of us hired doulas, and we're both into Attachment Parenting.

Sad to say, Mila wasn't the best date -- she slept through most of it. She woke up at the end though and needed a "snack". It was my first time feeding her out in public, that was not in my car. I used my nursing apron. I feel like I still fumble a bit to get her on right initially, but once she's on, she's good.

We spent most the afternoon talking about birth, naps, breastfeeding, poop, baby gear... all the hot topics in parenting! Virginia was so nice, and little Ben was a sweetheart! It was so great to see what he can do at his age and to anticipate what Mila will be doing in just a few weeks! He could laugh and was able to hold up his head on his own. And he had the cutest rolls! Adorable!! I can't wait until Mila's all plumped up!!!

Mila's social calendar is really filling up! We have a playdate with our friends Karina, Michael and Baby Liv on Saturday for lunch, next Thursday we have a playdate with with Amanda and Baby Mia and then Friday Mila and I are going to a local new mothers get together. We're looking forward to it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mila's Funny Faces

Mila's funny faces crack me up! She is the sweetest thing EVER!! How can anyone resist this face?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby This Week: 5 Weeks Old

Your baby is learning that she has hands and fingers and feet and toes. She's also starting to talk more. Not with words, of course, but by cooing — with increasing goos, gurgles, and grunts. This marks the beginning of her language development. Talk to your baby often. You'll be able to keep her attention by shifting from a low to a high pitch — the singsong style that parents in every culture tend to use when speaking to a baby.

Smiling is universal. A baby's first smile happens at about the same time in all cultures, so get ready for your baby to reward all your loving care with a beaming, toothless, just-for-you grin. This will probably make your heart melt, even if you've just had your worst night yet.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mila is One Month!

Dear Mila,

I can't believe you're one month old already! It seems like yesterday that we found out we were expecting, and now here you are! This month has been the most exciting month of our lives. It's been absolutely amazing to finally meet you after months of kicks and jabs in my belly. You are the most precious baby ever and I'm so happy to call you my very own. In just a matter of weeks you've changed your Mommy's and Daddy's lives forever. We are so very in love with you!

In just one month you seem to have really developed! You have more wakeful periods now than as a newborn and you seem to be eating lots more too! You make the cutest grunts and snorts and you're now adding "aahhs" and "goos" to your vocabulary. It's the cutest thing ever! It's amazing to be seeing your little personality develop. You love to spend time in Mommy and Daddys arms and cry if we leave you down for too long. Your favortie places to be are in the sling with Mommy, where you take your naps or right on Daddy's chest where he can sing and hum you to sleep. You used to love sleeping swaddled, but you became a little Houdini at getting your arms out, so Mommy stopped putting them in so you could sleep better. You love your hands, but it doesn't seem like you know that they are yours yet. Whenever they wind up on your face, you go searching for them with your mouth -- but they seem to elude you. There are times when you're able to find your thumb and when you do, you really go to town on it, sucking it with the rest of your fingers sprawled in front of your face! It's hilarious to watch!

You are starting to stare at things far away, like ceilings and lamps, and occasionally at Mommy and Daddy. We are anticipating when you'll start recognizing us, but I think we have to wait a bit more for that. You spend all day with your tongue out -- even while you're sleeping! Sometimes I wonder if it's that you're dreaming about boobies, because you sure do love them! You love car rides, but hate the carseat! Mommy likes to sit with you in the backseat to keep you company. Other things you hate: diaper changes, gassy bellies, bath time and tummy time. Boy, you sure do wail whenever you have any of those!!

Mommy and Daddy love watching you with your full body stretches and seeing all the funny faces you make. There's one where you wrinkle up your forhead as you stretch and your whole face gets into it... we just melt! You stretch your legs out completely straight too, so cute! Your little feetsies are so big (even the pediatrician says so!) and you're growing out of your sockies so quickly! You only have a couple of pairs that really fit you well. All the others seem to come off within minutes!

Everyone you meet immediately falls in love with you -- I think it's because you're the sweetest, most cutest baby in the whole wide world, but I could be a little bit biased, haha! Everyone comments on how much hair you have and how much you look like your daddy. You have the most adorable expressions and Mommy and Daddy can't stop staring at you. We take lots of pictures and video of you to share with our family and friends. Everyone loves to hear updates on how you're doing. Your grandmas and your grandpa especially -- they all read your blog religiously! They are your biggest fans!

The books I've read say you'll soon start laughing and smiling -- I am so looking forward to those. You smile a bit in your sleep and while you're passing gas, so we have a preview of what your sweet smiles will look like, but I can't wait to see you smiling at me. Although we've had a bit of a rough time catching up on sleep, knowing that I will soon be seeing that smile makes it all worth it. :)

I love you so much my sweet little girl! I'm so glad you are part of our lives! Happy One Month!

Your Mommy

1 Month Status Update:
8 lbs. 14 oz. (25th percentile) | 20.5 inches (25th percentile)


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