Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mila is Two Months!

Dear Mila,

Today you are two months old! Where has the time gone? It's amazing to see how much you've developed since last month. You have such a little personality!! Now you interact with us so much more! You actually look at Mommy and Daddy and we get more eye contact with you (whereas before it seemed you looked past us). You often stare at the dining room lamp and you can now focus on dangling objects, your favorite being Jumbo Dumbo.

Your hands now pretty much stay unclenched most of the time. You still get tons of lint stuck in them and they smell like drool, but it's great to see you moving them. At times you stick them in your mouth, but it seems you're still figuring out how to control them, and when you do, you go to town and love to chomp!

The thing everyone notices about you is your hair. It's grown so much! It's so soft and fine, it feels so angelic. Too bad it seems to be growing upwards instead of downwards! It's so very spikey! It looks like a crazy bed-head mohawk. Daddy says you look like a mad scientist and I have to agree, haha! We're going to spend a fortune on hair care products, I can see that now already!

The other really amazing thing you do is anticipate what we call "Booboo Time"! You're catching on that after a diaper change you go to the boob, so towards the end of the diaper change, you flail your arms crazily as you stare at me. Sometimes I think I'm just a big ol' boob to you Mila! LOL! If you don't get the boob fast enough, you start to get antsy and even start to cry... and now your cries have real tears! You had your first tear roll down your cheek last week and truly broke my heart! And Daddy felt it too the other day. You cried and he felt your tear on his cheek! :( We always do whatever we can to keep you happy, but sometimes it's hard to figure out exactly what that is at the moment. But don't worry, Mommy and Daddy are getting better at it!

This month you've definitely grown. You've even started getting little rolls on your legs and now you're wearing Size 1 diapers!! It does make me sad to see you outgrow all your cute newborn clothes, but on the bright side, it means you're growing into all your even cuter 3 month clothes. You're exclusively breastfed and I can't tell you how much pride I take in your growth! And with all the trouble we had breastfeeding initially, it makes me so happy that you're doing so well. That's all Mommy's milk making you so big!!! :)

I think my favorite thing that you can do now is that you now "coo" and "goo" a lot. It's the cutest thing! You also try laughing a bit, but the most you get is "Ahhhhh", LOL! A couple of weeks ago, it was 4am and I was dead tired. I was changing your diaper cleaning the biggest poo poo of all time, when you peed all over yourself and I had to get you into a change of clothes, which is always a mission. Needless to say, I was incredibly frustrated. I looked at you thought, "What are you doing to me, Mila?" Then you look at me and give me a half-smile and say "Ahh-Goo!" ... *sigh!* I just melted! It was adorable!!

On Mommy's side of things, I'm incredibly happy that I'm finally able to feel comfortable enough to take a shower while you're in your bassinet. Up until now, I'd been nervous to do it, and always had to have someone watching you. But you did great! I took the baby monitor with me that your Grammy got for you (thank you Grammy, it's been a Godsend!!!) and you just played -- ok, maybe more like stared -- at Jumbo Dumbo until I was done. I was in and out in 5 minutes, but I still felt like it was an accomplishment! I have also given you two baths by myself! Daddy and I had been teaming up on it, but I figure if I get it done before Daddy gets home, then we have more time to play with you at the end of the day, instead of giving you a bath that you don't really enjoy.

This month was also the month that mommy fit back into her pre-pregnancy jeans! Woo-hoo! I'm just about 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm so thrilled! I haven't been doing any exercise, but I have been breastfeeding and eating lots of chocolate (which is probably the reason for those extra 5 pounds)! Breastfeeding supposedly helps with weightloss. So far, so good! Breastfeeding has also left me with a huge chocolate craving. I never had huge cravings while pregnant. Seems like they are catching up to me!

This month has been wonderful spending it with you. I really feel like you're much more engaged in your surroundings and you're so awake and aware. I love when I put you on my shoulder and you hold up your wobbly head up high, as you strain to look around. Sometimes you do this crazy thing with your head where you move your head side to side like a bobble head and you've wacked me in the head a couple times, but it's so funny! You seem to be taking in everything and you want to know what's going on. I love seeing you discover and develop! But most of all, I love the way you look at me and the way you look at Daddy. You've really worked your way into my heart, little one. I can never let you go!

I love you with all my heart.

Your Mommy

2 Month Status Update:
11 lbs. 1 oz. (50th percentile) | 23 inches (50th percentile)

1 comment:

  1. i love her last pic, she's smiling cute..melts my uterus....


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