Friday, July 30, 2010

Pimp My Stroller

So I realized that my post about Mila's high chair inadvertently showed a picture of Mila's stroller in the background. I'm guilty! Maybe I've gotten a little out of control with the attachments to Mila's stroller....

I know, I know -- what is all this stuff? Well, there's the stroller that holds the carseat and the carseat has a few toys attached to it. Hanging off the back is her Sleep Sheep that makes rain noise to help her nap. And then there's the hooks to carry Mommy's diaper bag and a Mommy Hook to carry her toys to playgroup. And with all this heat I HAVE to bring her fan! Then I also carry the Ergo with me everywhere I go. And of course I keep her hat and my hat in the back pocket of the stroller, as well as an umbrella in the bottom basket, just in case... Eeekk, I know I must look like a crazy lady with all this stuff, but I really do use it! The price I pay to keep my baby happy! Style is just another casualty of motherhood, LOL!

Mila, your stroller has officially been "pimped"!

But believe me, Mila... this is nothing! It could be worse:


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