Monday, July 12, 2010

Mila Recommends: Humidifier

Mila and I are doing much better from our cold. Mila's feeling better than I am, though. I'm still dealing with some post nasal drip that's affecting my voice and makes me sound like I'm all congested. But I'm doing alright.

So. While Mila was sick, we took her to the doctor because she developed a little cough and we wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Doctor said it was fine, that it was just part of her cold and to get a humidifier and use saline drops in her nose to break up the mucus. We'd been doing the saline drops, along with the my favorite nasal aspirator (which, by the way, was the VERY BEST THING EVER when your child is sick with a runny nose! That thing got all the boogers!!! Loved it! Thank you again, Karina!!!) But we hadn't gotten a humidifier yet. We kept reading how hard they were to clean and we'd been looking for a good one. We struggled with several bad nights with Mila and her cold until finally, after one night with Mila having such a hard time breathing because she was so congested, we brought her into the bathroom and turned on the hot water and let her breathe in the steam. That helped so much!! The very next day, Jorge went out and bought a simple Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier. And from that night on, Mila was sleeping so much better! It helped sooo much! I couldn't believe it! I'd never used a humidifier before and I had no idea how helpful it would be. It even helped me when I got really congested too! Why, oh why, didn't we get this sooner????

Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier with Auto Shut-Off

I remember being terribly sick with a cold when I was pregnant with Mila and not being able to take any cold medicines sucked! I would cover up my nose with my blanket and breathe in the warm air and that helped so much... I could've totally used a humidifier then. Ugh, where have you been all my life?! 

The Vicks Warm Humidifier worked great. It stayed on all night like we wanted and warmed up a medium-sized room very well. It is hard to clean though. After one use, the heating element had gotten this brown crust on it that was impossible to scrub off. We would clean it every day as much as possible. For $30, it did what we needed it to do and it was totally worth it. From what we've read, all humidifiers are super hard to clean anyway, so if it does get too dirty, we can just get another one. And considering that we won't be using it too often, hopefully it won't get too dirty too soon. 

If you've got a recommendation for one that you use, that's easy to clean, I'd love to hear it! :)

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