Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Food: Rice Cereal

For the last 3 days we fed Mila bananas just to get her used to it. It's interesting because although she doesn't eat very much (most of it comes right back out!) I've noticed it's affected her bowl movements. She used to go at least once a day, and ever since she's started eating solids, she didn't go for 2 days! I mentioned it to the doctor and he says as long as she doesn't seem to be in any discomfort or straining (which she isn't) then he's not concerned. Thankfully, she went at the end of the day on the second day.

For Mila's second new food, we decided to go with rice cereal. My go-to book for all things baby is Dr. William Sears' "The Baby Book" and he suggests the first foods for a 6 month old should be bananas, apples, rice cereal and pears. So we went with rice cereal. One one side, I thought it might be best to stick with real fruits and veggies first, but on the other hand rice cereal is easy to make (just add breast milk) when you don't have much time. Also, when I was a kid, my parents gave me baby cereal and I loved it. Actually, I still eat it, haha! My favorite is the Gerber Oatmeal with Bananas. So good. Especially mixed with Cheerios. Yum! I'd also like Mila to enjoy baby cereal like I did.  Or, should I say, like I do, haha! Rice cereal is kinda bland so she didn't make the terrible faces she did when she had bananas for the first time the other day.

Notice that we've perfected our workflow: she's not wearing any clothes and is in just a diaper and the bib is vinyl so just wipe and it's clean! Thanks for the bib, Gaby!!! Works great!! :)


  1. lol, no worries, it's perfectly normal to like baby oatmeal still..i just had that for breakfast over the weekend-baby oatmeal with bananas and multi-grain cheerios! talk about yuuuummmyyy!!! ;) hahaha!!!


  2. Cathy, you and I are a rare breed who still eat baby food, LOL! :)


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