Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mila is 6 Months! (& Happy 4th of July!)

Dear Mila,

Today you are 6 months old! Holy moly! You are half a year old today... I still can't believe it! I remember when we were having a rough time when you were a newborn, I would think to myself, "I can't wait until you're 6 months and everything will be so much easier!" Hahahahahahahaha! And now here we are. Six months later. And, yes, some things are a bit easier, but now we have other things we're going through: you're on the verge of teething, you're getting more and more mobile and rolling around everywhere! Not the peice of cake I thought 6 months would be, but definitely not as stressful as it was at the very beginning when we had no idea what we were doing. Now we've gotten to know you so much better and have an idea of what you like and what we're doing. :)

Each month seems to go by faster and faster. Just the other day, your Daddy and I were looking at pictures from the day you were born and you look so different! Almost unrecognizable! I can't believe you've grown up so much in just 6 months.

Mila at 8 days old.

Mila at 6 months old.

Your eyes are still that beautiful blueish-gray. The doctor says they can still change color up until you're 18 months old though. But they still haven't changed. But your eyes are beautiful, no matter what color they are.

Your hair has gotten so long! Although, now you realize you have hair and when you nurse, you like to tug at it above your ears... and I have to tell you, that's not a good idea. You keep yanking at it and although I don't see hair in your hands, you are definitely starting to go bald there! Believe me, you don't want to look like you have a mullet, haha! Fortunately, your hair is long enough to cover up your little balding spots, but you won't have much hair left if you keep pulling it out!

You've gotten really big too -- you've grown 8 inches and gained 10 pounds since birth! I'm so proud of how big you're getting!

Bath time has become a bit of an adventure. You love it! You love to splash! You love to splash ALL OVER Mommy and Daddy! It's so cute to watch you play in the tub, but you're making a mess young lady!

....Ahhhh, who can resist your cuteness? Go ahead and splash away, haha!

Another big thing this month is that you realize when I leave the room. I put you to play in your Exersaucer and if I leave the room, even for just a second, you cry! It's so sweet, yet it's hard when Mommy's got to go to the bathroom! :/

One of your biggest accomplishments this month is you're sitting up so much better now! You still need a little bit of support, but you pretty much sit up all by yourself! Such a big girl!

It's not fun being sick, I know, but today your Abuelita came over with a little cake to celebrate your 6 months. It was so thoughtful of her! You, of course, didn't have any cake, but Mommy and Daddy and Abuelita did! It was yummy. You got breast milk, which is your favorite, so you were happy too.  We still haven't given you solid food yet, but you'll be getting some as soon as this awful cold blows over, possibly next weekend. This month is the last month you're exclusively breastfed and it's both sad and exciting for me. You're fascinated by watching us eat, and I know you're eager to do what you see Mommy and Daddy do. (Funny story though -- we've specifically put off giving you solids until you're 6 months old because we've read breast milk is best until 6 months. We want to make sure you eat the very best! And then the other day I was nursing you and your daddy was feeding me a little red velvet cake. Little did I know you had pulled off the boob and were watching me eat. As usual, your tongue was out, and the next thing I know there was a giant red velvet cake crumb on your tongue! We got it before you even noticed it was there, but eeeek! How terrible that your first food would have been red velvet cake?!?! LOL!)

Today is not just your 6 month birthday, but also the 4th of July! The whole country is celebrating your half year! Today you saw your first fireworks. Since you and I have been sick with a cold, we didn't really plan to do much, but you were still awake by the time the fireworks started, so we walked downstairs to the pool area of our building where you can catch a peek at the fireworks outside. You were mesmerized!

What a wonderful 6 months it has been my sweet little girl! Happy half-birthday! Will you do me a huge favor though? Can you make these next 6 months slow down a bit? I want to savor your babyhood and you're just growing too fast for me.

I love you. :)

Your Mommy

6 Month Status Update: 

17 lbs.
27 inches


  1. Awwww...I love these letters, they are so sweet! (Mila: what's up with your hair on that pic where you are with mommie??? It looks super curly!!!and you thought my hair looks crazy! Lol! I love you dear angel!

  2. The comment from above was from Aunt CC, by the way, lol!

    Aunt CC


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