Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mila is 4 Months!

Dear Mila,

What a crazy, stressful, amazing, rewarding 4 months it's been! I can't believe you're four months already! You've gotten so big! You've gained so much weight -- have I told you how much I love your chunky little baby legs? So adorable!

This month you've learned quite a lot. You're grabbing your toys and mouthing everything in sight. There' isn't anything you won't drool on. Your favorite toys are Finding Nemo, Jumbo Dumbo, Pinky the Bear, Frenchy the Poodle, Piggly Wiggly, El Pollito ("The little chicken"), Finding Nemo, Moo Moo the Cow, and El Amiguito Anaranjado ("The Little Orange Friend" -- we couldn't come up with a better name for that one because we couldn't figure out what animal it was, LOL!). I know, I know, we're so original with the names!

Your favorite playstations are your swing and your new mobile and your new Bumbo chair. You keep yourself entertained there while Mommy and Daddy try to eat dinner together -- but sometimes you insist on joining us and Daddy will pull you onto his lap. You just love being next to Mommy and Daddy!

You and I have started a playgroup with our friends Lisa and Baby Saeryn and Spencer and Baby Bijou. They come over on Tuesdays and we love their company! We also see them every other Friday at our New Mother's Meetings and we grab lunch with them afterwards. We also started taking a Mommy and Me class and you love that too. You're enthralled with all the colors and toys and sounds and I love seeing how interested and curious you are.

The most exciting (and most stressful!) accomplishment this month has been that you learned to roll from your back to your stomach! We are so happy for you that you've learned how to roll, but you do it mostly in the middle of the night when you're sleeping and it really scares Mommy and Daddy! There's a higher danger for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) when babies sleep on their bellies so we always put you to sleep on your back. Since the "Back to Sleep" Campaign started in 1994, SIDS deaths have gone down 50% so it's really shown to be effective. But it seems like you're a tummy sleeper! When we wake up to check on you, you've rolled onto your tummy and your Daddy and I hover over you wondering if we should risk waking you and roll you back over. We apologize for the interupted sleep! We just want to make sure your ok!

You still haven't mastered rolling from your tummy onto your back... you've done it a handful of times, but haven't done it in a while. You do great on tummy time though -- you hold your head up so well now!

You've also found your feet and you're getting closer to putting them in your mouth. It's so cute to see you try!

Although you've been sleeping wonderfully through the night (about 6 hours straight), and go down easily at nighttime, your Daddy and I still struggle with putting you down for naps during the day. You love being held and the only places you'll fall asleep at are at the boob on the Boppy or in the Ergo Baby Carrier. (As I type this, you're sleeping on Daddy in the Ergo, as a matter of fact!) It's a bit of a challenge, especially when we want to get some things done around the house. We're trying to see if you'll go down during the day into the swing or into your crib instead of the bassinet. I know you aren't crazy about it, and I'm sure there's nothing better than snuggling up to Mommy and Daddy, but how about you give it a shot? You might like it!

Speaking of the Ergo, Mommy's biggest accomplishment is feeding you in it! Yes! I finally figured it out and now you'll nurse while you're in there. It's great! Now we're mobile while you're eating and I won't always be tied down to a chair!

Ok, so you're not really nursing in this picture, but you'd just finished. But you might as well be nursing because no one can tell anyway. It's just a matter of loosening up the shoulder strap on the side you'll be nursing on and helping you latch on and that's it! As long as I use a burp cloth or wear a sweater that can cover up the sides of the Ergo, we're set and it's buffet time! No one is the wiser.

We've been learning more and more how much you love music. Your Daddy and I sing to you all the time and make up lots of songs. There's one I came up with for bathtime: "Es hora de banarse con Mila J, es hora de banarse con Mila J! Mila J, Mila J... es hora de banarse con Mila J!" ("It's bathtime for Mila J, it's bathtime for Mila J! Mila J, Mila J... it's bathtime for Mila J!") And then for some reason we end it with the Mentos tagline: "The FreshMaker!" Don't sk me why, that's just the way it is, LOL! This one is my main song and I just change what we're doing to fit any occason.

There's the diaper change song that goes, "Un poopoocito por aqui, un poopoocito por aya... poopoocito, poopoocito, poopoocito, poopoocito!" ("A little poop over here, a little poop over there... little poop, little poop, little poop, little poop!")

Daddy has come up with some really good ones. Whenever we hear a song, we incorporate your name into them. That's where we got this one, to the tune of "Mambo Italiano": "Hey Mila! Mila Colombiana... Hey Mila! Mila Ecautoriana... Hey Mila! Mila Ecua-lombiana!" Hahaha!

We heard a Subway commercial that sang "Ohhhh Pepperoni, how much I love yah!" to the tune of "O Sole Mio". Your Daddy came up with "Ohhhhh Mila-roni! How much I love you!" That really cracked me up! He also came up with his own original song that he came up with during a diaper change that says, "I'd rather be flying, but instead I am crying.... today!" The flying he's refering to is when I have you in my arms and help you "fly" through the apartment. You love that!

But this one is my absolute favorite one that he made up. It's called "Everybody Loves Mila". Here's a clip of your Daddy singing it to you. :)

You're getting to be such a big girl, Mila! Daddy and I love you oh so much!

Your Mommy

4 Month Status Update:

14 lbs. 10 oz. (75th percentile)
25 inches (75th percentile)


  1. OMG, that video is so precious. I literally teared up haha. Jorge, you have such a beautiful voice!!

  2. This is so cute. Definitely brings joy to everyone who sees it.
    It is so timely. I just heard on KCBS radio, "Bringing up our kids" program, how important it is to hold the baby, move around and sing or hum. It helps them associate music and movement.

  3. awww...I love it! She obviously loves it too! So precious...

    Auntie Cindy


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