Thursday, May 20, 2010

Four Month Wakeful

Just when you think you've got this mommy thing figured out, BAM! Baby decides to switch it up. Mila's been sleeping pretty well at night, waking up once and sleeps about 5-6 hours straight. During the day she's been sleeping ok, but likes to be held. Now, it's all gone crazy. She's waking up 4-5 times a night and barely sleeping during the day! Sometimes I spend the entire day trying to get her to go down for a nap!! (Hence the delay to catch up on my blog!)

I looked it up online and another mommy blog put it perfectly: "it's not too uncommon for babies to have difficulty sleeping during this age because there are big cognitive and emotional changes occurring during this time. They have an increase in awareness and are increasingly interested in the world. Instead of sleeping, they want to play (who wouldn't at 2 a.m. in the morning?) There is even a growth spurt that coincides with this age to make it even more fun!"

Essentially, it's a tough phase right now, but she'll grow out of it. A really good read on this 4 month wakeful is from Regarding the night-time waking, she talks about how because babies are developing and discovering so much at this age, that breastfed babies may not be eating or sleeping very well during the day because of all the distractions, but at night that they may focus on eating more and are able to fill up their tummies and sleep longer.

Let's hope this phase is short lived! Bear with me as I catch up on blogging!

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