Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby This Week: 19 Weeks Old

Even though you can't understand your baby, she's beginning to be able to understand you. That's why it's important to talk to her as you move through the day. Narrate what you're doing: "Here's your bottle." "Ready for your bath?" In a few months she'll understand you perfectly when you say the word "bottle" or "bath." You don't have to be a nonstop chatterbox — babies appreciate quiet, too. All you need to do is converse with her like the little companion she is.

Even though crying is still your baby's strongest form of communication, she's also beginning to develop a sense of humor. She may start to laugh at pleasant surprises, such as your face appearing from underneath a blanket or a toy popping out of a box, provided it isn't too loud or startling.

Encourage your baby's laughs, giggles, and smiles with funny faces and lots of general silliness. Babies enjoy hearing a variety of sounds, and you don't need special toys or instruments to create them. Simply click your tongue, whistle, or make animal noises — your baby will love it!


  1. Feet to mouth, love it! Mila seems contented.
    2nd picture looks like she is saying, "What do you mean, don't do that?".

    She gets cuter and cuter.


  2. those chunky arms!!! Wanna get them!!!

    Auntie Cindy

  3. She's the cutest. Eat them feetsies!


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