Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Best Night Ever!

After telling you about Mila's crazy "Four Month Wakeful" episodes, I went to a Mother's Group meeting and one of the girls mentioned that she thought her son's crib mattress was too hard and that her son had a hard time sleeping on it. Those crib mattresses really are hard. They are meant to be, though, as they reduce the chance of SIDS. But seriously, the mattress is ridiculously hard. It's like sleeping on concrete. She said she put in a cushy blankie between the mattress and the crib sheet to make it a bit softer for her baby. Her comment stayed with me and when Mila awoke for the third time in a row the day before yesterday, I thought I'd give it a shot. So yesterday, I took her cushiest blankie, the Koala Baby Luxe Baby Blanket and put it in. It's cushy enough to add some padding, but not so cushy that she can bury her face in it. Then last night, we put her to bed and hoped for the best.... and it was the best night ever! She slept 8 whole hours! It was amazing!!! I couldn't believe it! That's the most she's ever slept consecutively. The most she'd slept before was 6 hours. Granted, Jorge and I kept waking up to check on her, so we didn't sleep perfectly, but it was soooooo much better than what it had been the last couple of weeks. Dare I hope for more nights like these???

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