Monday, January 24, 2011

Toddler This Week: 12 Months, Week 4

As your child's second year begins, take some time to think about your relationship with your partner. Caring for an infant can wreak havoc on couples. You may find yourselves bickering a lot or just not connecting the way you used to. Don't despair — it takes time to adjust to having another person around. Now that your baby-turned-toddler is becoming less dependent, make a point of getting away to do adult things, just the two of you.

Though at this point her vocabulary probably consists of only a couple of words besides "Mama" and "Dada," your 1-year-old can probably babble in what sounds like short sentences, complete with vocal inflections. It's almost as if she's speaking a foreign language.

By now, your toddler may also be able to respond to simple questions and commands, especially if you give her some clues with hand gestures. For example, ask her, "Where's your mouth?" and point to it. Or try, "Hand me the cup" and gesture toward the object. Your toddler may answer you in her own way, shaking her head for "no" or using her own gestures.

Because she's starting to grasp the meaning of words, it's a good time to begin teaching your toddler the basics of good manners. Explain "please" and "thank you" and model their use as often as you can. Though she probably won't quite get the idea for a while, she might melt your heart with a well-placed "please" when you least expect it.

It's up to you to help your toddler make connections between objects and their names — the more you do, the faster her vocabulary will grow.

Keep talking to your toddler, and label things every day. Count stair steps as you climb them, and point out the names and colors of fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Read your toddler a picture book and ask her to point to or name familiar objects.

Solicit her opinion once in a while: Ask her if she'd like to wear the red or the blue socks, or if she'd like to play with her blocks or her stacking rings. Even if she doesn't answer, she's learning not just words from you, but the rhythms of social interaction.

Your child is watching… everything… you… do. Toddlers love to copy the behavior of the people around them, especially their parents. It's how they learn basic behaviors.
You may see your child trying to brush her hair, wiping a counter with her bib, pressing buttons on your cell phone, or trying on your sunglasses. Eventually she'll pick up on your words and speech patterns, too.
Imitation has a downside, too. Your child may watch you take vitamins or pills and later, when you're not looking, decide to do the same herself. So be vigilant about safety. Use child-resistant caps on medicines and vitamins, and store the pills out of reach. Don't let her see how you open child-safety latches – she'll be eager to work them just like you do.

Worried that your little one isn't lurching around on two feet yet? There's probably no need for concern. The normal range for reaching this milestone is very broad, and some children don't walk until 16 or 17 months.

The 12-month mark is a good time to remember that each child is unique and meets milestones at her own pace. What's important is the progression – in other words, that she's continuing to develop and learn new skills.

Developmental guidelines merely show what your child has the potential to accomplish – if not right now, then soon. Trust your instincts, and don't hesitate to bring up concerns with your child's doctor if you're worried or want to know what to watch for.

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