Monday, January 3, 2011

My Surprise 30th Birthday Playdate!

I'd been avoiding thinking too much about my birthday this year. With all of Mila's first birthday party planning, I honestly kept forgetting that my birthday was coming up too. And it was better that way too - especially considering that I didn't want to think about turning 30 this year. Yep, 30.... sheesh. I remember being a teenager and thinking 30 was sooooo old! And now being a mom - yikes! I'm somebody's mom?? And I'm 30? Yeah... there's no fighting it anymore. I'm an adult. Ok - vent over. I gotta just pretend it's not there and lock this up in the storage part of my brain until my next birthday, where I can pretend it's not there again.

In any case, I hadn't planned on doing anything special. My actual birthday was yesterday, but we had Mila's party yesterday, so it was her day. I remember when I was pregnant that she was due on the 7th of January, and I knew there was a chance she could come a few days early and I really didn't want her to be born on my birthday. I want her to have her own day! Not to have to share it with her mom. It should be hers. And then of course, comes this year where her birthday falls on a Tuesday and the only day we didn't already have plans so we can have a birthday party would be on my birthday. Figures! But I made sure that the day was about her. In any case - you stop counting after 30 right? I don't need to celebrate my birthday anymore!

But my sweet, wonderful husband had other plans... today we talked about going to a nice restaurant for lunch. He said we had to leave the house by noon because we had a reservation but Mila was still napping. We ended up having to wake her up and we rushed out the door. As we're making our way to the elevator to go downstairs, he tells me that the building manager called and said the meeting room where we're going to have a birthday playdate for Mila on Sunday has a problem. He said not to freak out, that he saw it and it wasn't a big deal, but he wanted me to take a look at it. Oh jeez... I'm freaking out anyway! I had been planning Mila's party for so long and had put so much work into it! My head was spinning - what was wrong? Was there a broken window? A leak in the ceiling? A giant stain on the rug? The fridge is broken? The AC is broken? The electricity is out??? He keeps telling me it's not a big deal and as we approach the door I'm still freaking out... and when he opens it, I couldn't believe it! Heike and Audrey, Spencer and Bijou, Virginia and Ben, Vanessa and Julian... our Mommy friends were there! It was a surprise birthday playdate for me! I couldn't believe it! Jorge had called Spencer and with Blanca they put the whole thing together. It was soooooooo thoughtful. I've never had a surprise party before. Nikki and Taylor arrived a little bit later and joined us too. I was just in awe! So nice of everyone to come! Jorge knows how much I love my mommy friends and our playdates. It was just so sweet and wonderful. It was really the best birthday ever. :)))

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