Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mila is one year old!

Dear Mila,

You are one year old today!!! I can't believe it. This year has just flown by all too fast. You've gone from a teeny little newborn, to a curious, blossoming little girl. I am so very happy today, reliving the day you were born, but it's also bittersweet. I love how much you've grown, I love all the "big girl" things you do now, but it makes it all too easy to see that you're a baby anymore. Each day, you look more and more like a little kid! I'll miss that tiny little baby girl, but I love to see you grow and learn!

Since this past month has been the holiday season, we've had the Christmas tree up and you're in awe of it... you like to reach for the ornaments and the lights. It's so cute to watch.

You still have a bit of separation anxiety, although it's getting better. You don't really want other people other than Mommy or Daddy to hold you, but lately, you've really taken to your Tia Blanca. Seeing you two together is so sweet!

The funniest thing you started doing this month, is you like to store things under the couch now, LOL! You just put your toys under there, walk away, and then come running back to get them. It cracks us up!

You love to pick things up. The other day, we went to visit your daddy at work and the carpet there had this white speck pattern. You saw the specks and "picked them up" and handed them to me. So funny!

You've discovered your tongue too... you like to grab it an hold it. It's hilarious to watch, although since you like to touch everything, only God knows where your hands have been! Ewww! Haha!

You can clap now and wave... although for a while when you started waving, we got so excited that we clapped, cheering you on, and then suddenly you stopped waving - whenever we'd wave so you would wave back, you'd clap instead! Haha! So smart!

You still don't say too much, other than babbling here and there. You do say "da-da" but we're not sure if you know what it means yet. You seem to call both me and daddy that. Crossing my fingers that "ma-ma" or even some variation of it, is coming soon!

Eating is getting a bit better. You don't like to eat baby food that has chunks in it, but you love your crackers, cookies and your Mum-mums, but heaven forbid if there's a chunky bite in your pureed food! You'll spit it out and try to get it with your hands, making a huge mess. But you've eaten bread, cantaloupe and banana and even oatmeal cookies that I made and you seem to like them. It's progress!

Sleeping and napping have their good days and bad days, but for the most part, you take 2 naps a day and sleep pretty much through the night. We still rock you to sleep though, and at 20 pounds, you're getting heavier and heavier!

Now, my ABSOLUTE favorite thing you do now your Tia Blanca taught you while playing hide and seek with her Blackberry. You love that thing and she'd hide it and ask you, "Donde esta?" ("Where'd it go?") and she'd shrug and hold her hands out. Now you've picked it up and you do the gesture ALL THE TIME!

It's soooooooo cute! And it's so funny how it applies so well to so many situations. It's the universal sign for "What happened?", "I don't know" and my favorite, "It wasn't me!" You'll throw things off your high chair and shrug, "Donde esta?", you'll take a ball and throw it far and shrug, "Donde esta?", you'll loose track of a toy and you'll shrug, "Donde esta?" ... oh my goodness, how we have laughed! The other day you even said, "ta!" when you shrugged, as in, "Donde esTA?" We nearly died!

One year ago today... who would've known it would be the best day of my life? It was the day my sweet Mila was born. What a wonderful year! I'm so blessed you're mine! Happy first birthday to my sweet little girl!

I love you!

Your Mommy

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