Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mila's First Birthday Party ... Playdate!

Today we celebrated Mila's birthday with her friends and with the Mommies and Daddies! What a wonderful party!

We had the party downstairs in our building's meeting room, since we knew we wouldn't have room for everyone in our place. It was the same place we had Mila's Baptism party back in March. It worked out wonderfully! I decorated everything the day before and my mom and my sister Cathy came over early to help put the food together.

As the time for the party got closer, Mila hadn't taken a nap and I was starting to worry... if she didn't take a nap, I knew she'd be cranky the whole party. So I rocked her for half an hour until she finally fell asleep... and then she didn't want to wake up! I let her sleep about an hour before I had to wake her because guests were already arriving!

Mila had a wonderful time - all our friends were there! I had taken down Mila's toys and the kids seem to enjoy them. I loved how the decorations came out. I really put a lot of work into it and it really paid off. Everything looked great!

And, of course Mila loooooved the cake! I can barely get her to eat solids, but cake she'll eat. LOL! She smashed her cupcake into smithereens and then ate the crumbs and made a mess throwing it around. I guess she was trying to share. Haha!

I know that Mila won't remember this day, but we had a great time celebrating and at least she'll be able to look back and see what a great first birthday she had!

B, Taylor and Joseph playing on the activity table



Julian and his mommy Vanessa


Liam and his mommy Claudia


Julian doing the "worm" crawl, LOL!

Oliver and his Daddy Jon

Carlos Mauricio


Audrey and her mommy Heike

B and her mommy Spencer


B and her parents, Spencer and John

Porter and his parents, Lily and Steve

Carlos Mauricio and Camila and their parents, Lisette and Carlos

Audrey and her parents, Heike and Scott

Benjamin and his mommy Virginia

Liam and his parents, Claudia and Danny

Jamil and Mily

Joseph and his parents, Pamela and George

Oliver and his parents, Sandra and Jon with Jorge, Mila and I

Singing "Happy Birthday!"

Birthday girl

"I'm one!"

"Time to parrrrr-tayyyy!"

Mila with her mommy and daddy

Mila and I with my parents and my sister Cathy

Mila and Jorge with his sister Blanca

Happy first birthday to my sweet little girl!!!!

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