Here is how big Baby G has gotten this week! She keeps growing and growing! I've gained about 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, with no signs of stopping. Baby G has gone from kicking to rolling around and she likes to poke and kick. She also enjoys hanging out in a particular corner on the right side of my ribs.... not very comfortable for mom!

Compare to 6 weeks ago at
20 weeks.
Compare to 10 weeks ago at
16 weeks.
Compare to 14 weeks ago at
12 weeks.
Compare to 17 weeks ago at
9 weeks.
I'm glad to see you're doing so well. Your being hungry when you feel full and Baby G finding that spot by your ribs reminded me about my mom. She told me she had the same problems with my brother and me. My brother loved to hang out in an uncomfy spot for my mom and when she was pregnant with me constantly felt hungry even if she just finished eating. Can't wait to see you. Take care,
ReplyDeletelove you,