Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jorge Felt Baby G Kick!

20 weeks, 3 days pregnant

I've been feeling Baby G kick more and more these days-- I'm sure it's her now! They feel like jabs. I was sitting at Jorge's computer today and I felt her move. I wondered if maybe I could feel it from the outside this time so Jorge could feel it. I put my hand on my tummy and waited... and then jab! I called to Jorge to come quickly! "I think I felt her move from the outside!" I heard him scramble to come. I was afraid to move thinking she might stop. He put his hand on my tummy and we waited.... and then jab!

"Did you feel that?!" I exclaimed. He smiled and nodded. We waited again... then jab! jab! "Did you feel that?!!" I said, even more excited! He nodded yes, "But are you sure that's her? It feels like a spasm." I assured him that it was her, but he was still uncertain. We're excited to think we're finally feeling her, but I think once she gets stronger and more active he'll feel more sure about it. I think he's still grasping the thought that our baby is in there, hahaha! She'll be here in just a few short months!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm sooo happy for you. Now is when it really gets fun. Now that you can feel Baby G you can experiment with different sounds and see how the baby reacts to them. Yay. She's a kicker. Jorge might have the first female 49er on the team. He must be over the moon happy. Congrats to you two crazy lovebirds.
    Besos, Hugs and mucho lovo,


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