Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby G2: First Ultrasound!

8 weeks, 5 days pregnant

Today we had our first prenatal appointment with our midwife. We are so happy to be using her again for our second pregnancy. She was so helpful and knowledgeable the first time around, and at the birth, she was so calming and reassuring. She was completely supportive our birth plan and our desire to have a medication-free and intervention-free childbirth. I can't say enough great things about her!

Jorge, being the ever wonderful husband he is, always wants to go to all my appointments with me, so we decided to make the earliest appointment possible and leave Mila home with Blanca. Our appointment was for 8:15 in the morning and she usually wakes up between 9:00 and 9:30am. Our plan was to leave the house by 7:15 (the midwife's office is about 40 minutes away) and Blanca would come over and Mila would sleep in. Well, I think she knew something was up - imagine our surprise when she wakes up right before we were supposed to leave the house! Jorge tried getting her back to sleep, but she was up. So much for our plan! Ultimately, he just had to take her out and give her to Blanca so she could give her breakfast and we could leave. That made us leave the house late and we rushed to the appointment. I was so embarrassed we got there 15 minutes late! But Terry - love her - was not bothered one bit. She never rushed us or made us feel bad. She took her time with us, talked us through the next steps and answered all our questions.

Then came a big surprise - we had an ultrasound! I didn't know we'd have one today! So... without further ado... here's our little Baby G 2.0!

Right now he or she is the size of a kidney bean. Everything looks healthy and the size is right on track. I'm about 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant. We saw the little kidney bean wiggling around its little arm buds, it looked like it was facing us. We saw it's little heart flickering... so unbelievable! There's a baby in there!! I still can't believe we're doing this again!


  1. awwww!! I LOVE it.... Can't wait to start seeing Baby G 2.0 start growing. Brings back so many memories :)

    Auntie CC

  2. Hello Baby G2.0... we can't wait to meet you :)


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