Friday, February 4, 2011

Mila is 13 Months!

Dear Mila,

You are 13 months now! The biggest thing you've learned to do this month, is sign! You may not know exactly WHAT you are signing, but you will now open your signing book, open a page and do the sign all by yourself! Your favorite sign is sleep, although I KNOW that's not your favorite activity!

If you see the picture on the page or if we say the word, you do the sign. You're so good at it! Although the sign for sleep is both hands on your cheek (doing the universal sign for sleep) - Daddy, who reads this book to you often, does the sign with only one hand because his other hand is occupied holding the book! So you've learned to do the sign for "sleep" with just one hand… it's so funny! 

You can also sign "more" and "please." You've developed your own version for these as well. "More" is done this way, tapping your fingers together:

You do it correctly with your right hand, but you keep your left hand open and tap your palm. :)

"Please" should be like this, a circular motion around your chest:

But you do a circular motion around your tummy! Haha! Almost looks like you're saying "yum!" instead of "please"!

My absolute favorite thing that you've started doing lately is you give HUGS!!!! You wrap your arms around our neck and just stay there for a few seconds… ohhh, it's so very sweet! Not to mention that it's also surprising that you actually stay still for those seconds!

You babble a lot now, and you can say "da-da" although I'm not entirely convinced you know what it means yet. You seem to call everyone "da-da" although your Daddy is convinced you do know what it means, haha! I can't wait for you to say "ma-ma"… maybe sometime soon!

After a few months of struggling to get you to eat chunkier food, this month you have shown a bit of improvement! You liked chopped up pasta with pasta sauce and ground turkey! It's a step!!!

You now understand a few words, like "comer" (eat), "vamos" (let's go), and the newest one is "limpia" (clean). When you're in your high chair, you loooove playing with napkins or paper towel, especially if their wet. For some reason, you love to eat paper - THAT you'll eat! But if I say "Limpia, limpia!" You'll now clean your little table! You love it! Haha, you are definitely your father's daughter! He loves to clean too!

Speaking of your Daddy, you love doing the things he does. Like putting on his shoes. You love to grab them and run with them or try putting them on your feet. It's so darn cute!

Napping this month has now consistently been reduced to once a day. Oh, how I loved it when you used to nap 2-3 times a day! I could get so much done! But now you nap anywhere from 30 minutes to maybe an hour for that nap and I swear, I get nothing done. Any moment of awake time, you want to play! Heaven forbid Mommy would like to do anything other than play - like put away groceries, or eat… or go to the bathroom! You need to be entertained all the time. As much as I enjoy our playtime, I look forward until you learn the joys of playing with your toys for a little bit so Mommy isn't so exhausted at the end of the day! You are so incredibly active - forget walking - you RUN everywhere! It's hard for me to keep up sometimes! There's only so many times I can sing the same song, chase you down the hall or give you a piggy back ride in a day! I don't know where you get all that energy! And I can only imagine the energy increases as you grow up! Eeeek!! Forget exercise - playtime with you is a work out!

I love you my sweet, energetic little girl! :)

Your Mommy

12 Month Status Update:

20 lbs. 12 oz
30 inches


  1. So precious! Love the pic of the 49ers, lol. She signs, she cleans??!?!?! Prodigy!


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