Sunday, February 20, 2011

Telling Family About #2

5 weeks, 4 days pregnant

If you recall, before Mila was born, we'd refer to her as "Baby G" (as in Baby Granja). Now that we have another little one on the way, we've decided on calling this one "Baby G 2 point 0" LOL! I've been calling him/her  "number 2" for short, although Jorge isn't crazy about it. He wants to call him/her "G2", haha! We'll see what sticks!

The night we found out Baby G2 was on the way, I was so excited! I wanted to call someone and talk about it! I knew I wanted to tell my parents in person, so I didn't call them, instead, I called my sister Cindy, who is out of the country in Dominica for medical school. It was kinda late, but I was able to get a hold of her. I was so happy to share the news with her! She was such a big part of my pregnancy with Mila - she planned a gorgeous baby shower for me, went to many of my childbirth classes with me, helped get Jorge and I to the hospital when I was in labor and was even in the delivery room when Mila was born! She was such a huge support and great friend. She even helped us out the first week we had Mila and brought us food and helped us clean and do things around the house. I don't know how I could have done it without her! So of course I was thrilled to call her and tell her the news! She was so excited for us!

Jorge called and told his sister Blanca about Baby G2 the morning after we found out. But for my family, I knew I wanted to do something creative and do something in person! I thought, how fun would it be to have Mila be the one to tell them that she's going to be a big sister? So I made an iron-on shirt that said, "Hermana Mayor" ("Big Sister") and underneath it said "Mila '11." It came out really cute!

I invited my mom, my dad, my sister Cathy and Blanca over for lunch, telling them it was so nice to have a long weekend for President's Day and that we would love to see them. I made some yummy pot pie for lunch and after we ate, I took advantage during a diaper change to change Mila's shirt to the one I'd made. I put a cute ribbon in her hair and put on her adorable tutu. She looked extra cute! I came out and they all ooohhed and ahhhed at her sweet little outfit. Then I said, "So I made this shirt for Mila the other day. Isn't it cute? Read what it says...."

It was soooo funny to see their faces! Cathy at first, looked at me in disbelief. She knew instantly, but just stared at me wide-eyed. My mom didn't get it.

My dad, well, might have taken a nap here because he didn't even realize what was going on! 

They were quiet; confused. "Can you see what it says? Read it." I prodded.

My mom, who was the closest to Mila, read it outloud, "Big sister." She was still confused. Then, slowly, it dawned on her and her face totally lit up! "No!" she exclaimed, in surprise and excitement. I laughed and nodded.

Cathy squealed, "I KNEW IT! I was thinking it, but I couldn't believe it!!"

My dad this whole time has no idea what's going on. He's sitting right there, but seems like he's totally missed what's happening.

"Daddy, did you read the shirt?" I asked.

My dad looks over at me, "Hmmm? ... Yes, I see it says Mila eleven." Still doesn't get it.

"No, read above that."

"Oh... 'Big sister.'" Pause.

Then it hit him.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! A gran hijue madre! No me diga!" He sat up, surprised. (That phrase is his signature phrase - he says that whenever he's surprised... it's so funny! It's a very Colombian expression, loosely translates to, "Holy moly, no way!")

I looooooved seeing their reaction. Jorge caught their faces perfectly! You can actually almost read my dad's lips as he's talking, haha!

"Mila's going to be a big sister!" I exclaimed.

"But why eleven?" my dad asked. "That's what I kept looking at. I didn't understand."

"Because he or she will be born this year, so Mila will be a big sister in 2011." I explained.


Then came all the questions of how long we'd known, how far along I was, how was I feeling and when I was due - to which I responded, that we'd known since Valentine's weekend, that I'd been feeling well, that I was about 5 and a half weeks, and that he or she will be here by Halloween. October 20th is my due date!

My parents are oh-so-excited for their second grandchild, as are we! I have my first prenatal appointment coming up, which I know will make it seem more real. I can't believe this is happening... again!!


  1. I LOVE it!! So funny! What a blessing to have Baby G 2 point 0 in our lives already, Can't wait to meet him/her

    ~Auntie CC

  2. bahaha I was laughing/crying reading this post. I love how you kept cutting to pictures of your dad sleeping!! So sweet!! Congratulations!!!!


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