Friday, February 11, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

So, Jorge and I have been discussing #2... I know, I know, we must be crazy, right? Mila's more than a handful, what are we thinking? But we've always discussed having kids close in age so they could grow up together. My sister Cathy and I are 18 months apart and I loved having someone to share everything with since we were little, someone that knows you your entire life. My sister Cindy and I are 3 and a half years apart and she's one of my best friends. Jorge and his sister Blanca are 21 months apart and they've been through everything together and still today, they've moved from city to city together and are still very close. I love that. I want that for our kids too. 

Sooooo.... we weren't really trying for a couple months and then this past month we figured we should. When testing time came around, turned out Jorge was going out of town for a week for work! Turns out the earliest day we could test was the morning Jorge was leaving! It was too much pressure. Although I honestly didn't think I'd be pregnant, I was certain I'd have to take the test again when he got back just to make sure anyway. Besides, I figured it was less stress for me to not know until he got back. That way I could just focus on getting through the week with Mila. 

So he left Sunday morning and then Wednesday I thought I got my period again. I was bummed, but I wasn't surprised. I called Jorge and told him we wouldn't have to take the test when he got back. "I'm 99% sure we're not pregnant," I told him.

Friday... things... um, weren't progressing the way they normally do... so I had a little bit of doubt, although I was still pretty sure it was nothing. When he came home that night we had dinner and then we played with Mila for a while. 

I was so convinced I wasn't pregnant that I'd totally forgotten about my doubt until later. I mentioned to him that I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant, but there was a tiny bit of doubt, so I said, "Let's take a test, just to make sure I'm not. I don't want to be thinking about it." 

I went and took the test and left it on the counter. I had to leave it for 3 minutes, so I went back to the living room and we played with Mila for a bit. Again, I was sooo convinced we were not pregnant I wasn't in a hurry to see the results, I didn't even keep track of the time. I remembered 5 or 10 minutes later. "Oh! Let's go check the test!" I said. "Not that I think it'll be positive. Let's go look... the three of us. Just in case."

As we got to the bathroom door, I turned around and said, "Ok, this is just to confirm that we're not pregnant. It'll be negative and it'll be fine. We'll try again next month." 

Jorge had Mila in his arms and was not too concerned. "Wait - so tell me, what are we looking at?" he asked.

"Two lines we're pregnant. One line we're not pregnant."

"Ok. Got it."

"Ok, ready?"


We turned on the light and peered down at the test...

"Wait... what??" I exclaimed, confused. I could not believe my eyes. I looked at the directions next to the results, "Two lines? What??? Oh my God!"

I looked back at Jorge. He was as confused and surprised as I was! How could this be??? I was sooooo sure! I was shocked. Jorge smiled and laughed. Tears welled up in my eyes. Oh my God! I could not stop saying, "Oh my God!" I was happy, overjoyed, SHOCKED!!!!, surprised, a little scared, a little overwhelmed... but happy! 

Oh my goodness... I still can't believe it! We're having another baby!!! Mila's going to be a big sister!!!! What a sweet Valentine's surprise!

P.S. - We haven't announced it yet to everyone, so please don't post anything on Facebook about this. Thanks! :)

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