What I really like about it is that not only does it play music and turn, it also has a light projector, which is perfect because Mila loves light! This mobile also lasts longer than others, since mobiles should be removed from the crib when baby can sit up, as it's a hazard in case baby uses the dangling toys to pull herself up. So after baby is about 4 or 5 months, you can't use them anymore. But with this mobile, the toy part detaches so when baby outgrows the mobile part of it, it can still be used for the music and as a projector for the ceiling. Genius! Long lasting, entertaining and safe!
My dad and I went to buy it today and I was able to put it together easily. I thought it might take her some time to get used to it, (just like it did with her swing) especially since she's in the crib. As soon as I put it together, she started getting fussy and I thought I'd give it a try and put her in to see what she thought. She cried at first, but as she saw the moving lights, she quited down... miracle! She loved it from the beginning! She's now happy in there watching her mobile for a good 10 minutes at a time, long enough to heat up some lunch! Love it!

Happy to see Mila got a mobile. I had been looking at them, but never saw any one that excited me. But then, those were all pretty stationary. his is a must have for every baby.This one is great. I'm sure Mila will spend a lot of time analyzing it and being fascinated with the lights.