Today our friend Sandra and her husband Jon stopped by to visit. It was so nice to see them! They're expecting a little boy in July. I have to admit that seeing her baby bump gave me a touch of baby fever! I usually only remember the tough parts of my pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, constipation, exhaustion ... ugh!) but seeing her and hearing her talk about her pregnancy and talking about seeing the baby in the ultrasounds, made me remember the nice parts. My favorite part of the pregnancy is the anticipation of meeting the baby and for that first moment when they are born... Oh, SO exciting!! Haha -- but don't get me wrong, it was a MOMENTARY touch of baby fever!! My grandmother is already asking when we're going to have the next one!! My goodness! Give us some time to get used to this one! It would be great for Mila to have a sibling, but we're still adjusting to just having one. I honestly can't imagine what it'd be like to have a newborn and a toddler running around. My mom did it - my sister and I are a year and a half apart. I have no idea how she survived... crazy!
What I'm really happy about is to hear that Sandra mentioned that after reading
my birth story, she's considering a natural birth. I'm so happy to hear my blog has inspired her! There's really so much more to birth than what you see in movies. It's nothing like that. I'd recommend on getting educated on the subject... a good place to start: read "
Husband-Coached Childbirth 
" by Dr. Robert Bradley. That book changed everything for me! I can't recommend it enough. Read that book and watch the documentary, "
The Business of Being Born
." Very interesting. I guarantee you'll learn something. :)
Here are Sandra and Jon holding Miss Mila... They are going to be awesome parents! Can't wait to meet little Mr. Oliver in July! :)
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