Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Final Preparations for Baby G

37 weeks, 6 days pregnant

After talking with my boss, he's let me work from home for the rest of this week! What a relief! He says he'll get back to me about working from home for next week, but I think it'll be ok.

I had my weekly appointment yesterday and the midwife is still concerned about my swelling. I've gained 2 pounds since last week. I'm at 144 lbs! That's 33 lbs that I've gained since I got pregnant! And believe me -- I can feel it!! She says she sees my feet to be a bit more swollen than last week and had me do some bloodwork just in case. My blood pressure still looks good, but she just wants to make sure to cover all her bases. We'll get the result in a week or so.

We also had another pediatrician interview today. This is the 6th pediatrician we've interviewed. I haven't been thrilled with any of them really. There is one I'm leaning on who seemed alright, but he's up in Boca so it's a bit far, although that means that he'll be going to the hospital once Baby G is born to see her. All the other pediatricians that are near us aren't affiliated with the hospital we're delivering at, so they wouldn't be able to go and see her. We have 2 more pediatricians we're interviewing next week and then I think we're done for now. If we don't like them then we'll stick to the one in Boca until we find a new one after she's born.

Going through all this as we prepare for Baby G, it really makes us think a lot about our parents. Jorge and I talk about this all the time. Before being pregnant, we couldn't imagine all the things that need to be done to prepare for a baby! Now we can appreciate what our parents must have gone through and how much they must have done when they were expecting us. It makes me a little teary-eyed to think about it... the packing the bags, the picking a doctor, picking a hospital, picking a pediatrician, going to childbirth classes, reading books, eating healthy, getting exercise, going to work, going to doctor's appointments, making sure you have the best crib, the best stroller, the best of everything! anticipating the arrival of the baby, feeling anxious about going through childbirth, imagining what the baby will look like and wondering if you'll be good parents....... knowing that as much as we want to give Baby G the best of everything we know we're not perfect and we're bound to mess something up! All these things really help us appreciate our parents and understand them a bit more.

A great big hug filled with love and appreciation to my mom and dad and to Mr. and Mrs. Granja! We love you more today than ever! Thank you for all you have done for us!!!

Jorge and Blanca with Mr. & Mrs. Granja

Cathy and I with my mom and dad

1 comment:

  1. Hola, Mila bella: Como podras ver, tu mami tiene mucho ingenio y dedica el tiempo para atenderte y para crear cantidad de noticas y de informacion acerca de ti, en tu tiempo.

    Tu abuelito te sigue tus pasos con mucho amor y atencion. Gracias por ser tu tan bella y gracias a tus papis por compartir tu vida con nosotros.

    Te quiere mucho.

    Tu abuelito.


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