Today we had a costume contest at work -- with a $250 prize! I was really excited to participate and I came up with a great costume idea for me and Baby G! I dressed up as a redneck and Baby G was my beer belly! No one could recognize me! It was hilarious!! I had a hairy chest, with armpit hair, a hairy belly, a mustache, a wig, with torn jeans and a flannel shirt...I went around the office rubbing my belly and telling my coworkers, "I know you want a piece of this!" Hahaha! It was so much fun! There were lots of really great costumes too! There was a girl in the shower -- that actually wore the shower! There was a priest, a gladiator, prisoners, bat girl, Amy Winehouse, a dead prom queen... so many good ones! And when the contest came around, I couldn't believe it!! I won!!!!!!!! I was soooooo excited, I couldn't believe it! Here's my winning photo! Baby G and I did good!:)
The prize money will definitely come in handy -- it's such a huge help with all the baby expenses we have coming! I am so thankful!!!!
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
My belly button is on it's last leg. It's literally holding on for dear life! You can see it poking out just a bit in this weeks belly picture!
Compare to 5 weeks ago at 24 weeks. Compare to 9 weeks ago at 20 weeks. Compare to 13 weeks ago at 16 weeks. Compare to 17 weeks ago at12 weeks. Compare to 20 weeks ago at 9 weeks.
Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester.
Jorge has been working on the pantry in the kitchen for the last couple of weeks, and he is officially done! Look what an amazing job he did!!! He's really put a lot of time and effort into and I'm so happy with how it came out. Now we can move stuff from our our old pantry closet to the new pantry cabinet, then move the stuff from our storage closet to the pantry closet, and then finally move the stuff from Baby G's nursery to the storage closet and we'll have room for all of Baby G's stuff! Whew! :) Thank you to my wonderful husband for all his hard work! I love you!!!
Today was our last baby shower, this one was hosted by my aunt Martha and my uncle Ricky and my whole family came! It was so nice to see everyone, I hadn't seen most of them since June when I was only 2 months pregnant. Baby G has grown exponentially since then!
When I arrived, I was blown away by the beautiful decorations! The theme of the baby shower was bears and Ricky and Martha really went all out decorated everything with pink and brown bears. It was adorable!!!
Ricky and Martha and all the beautiful decorations!
The staircase was decorated with pink and brown teddy bears, each holding a letter that spelled out "BABY G"! So cute!!
My wonderful cousin Patty made a delicious lasagna and avocado salad! Soooo good!
Jorge and the yummy food!
Chicken and meat lasagna
My aunt Martha with the avocado salad
It was great to get together with my cousins and my aunts and uncles. They are always a bit crazy (you should have seen them competing in those Baby Shower games, haha!) but we love them all and we had a fabulous time! ;)
A special thank you to Ricky and Martha for throwing us the shower and being so thoughtful and generous to us and to Baby G! We love you tons!
Baby G is more and more active every week! We can even see my belly twitching when she moves around. So cute! She also continues to get the hiccups every now and then, especially when I'm trying to get some sleep, haha!
I've been feeling like I have a bit more energy on some days, but others I'm utterly exhausted. We still have much to do!
Jorge is almost done with the pantry, so I'll post pictures of that soon! It looks fantastic!!! He's doing an awesome job!
In the meantime, here's my weekly belly picture!
Compare to 4 weeks ago at 24 weeks. Compare to 8 weeks ago at 20 weeks. Compare to 12 weeks ago at 16 weeks. Compare to 16 weeks ago at12 weeks. Compare to 19 weeks ago at 9 weeks.
Today was my coworker shower, hosted by my good friends Beth and Sara. We had a lovely time with the ladies from the office! The food was absolutely delicious! Sara made made these adorable cards for the games that matched the invitations and she also made these gorgeous favors filled with candy. So pretty!
My favorite game was the Mystery Chocolate Bar where you had to guess what melted chocolate bar was in each diaper... so funny!
A big thank you to Beth and Sara for putting this all together! And thank you to everyone who came! I had a wonderful time!! Thanks for making it so special! :)
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.
My cousin Martha is in town from Colombia for a few days so I went to visit her at my dad's house for dinner. She brought us the most beautiful gift: my aunt Elisa (my dad's sister) had sent us a stunning Baptism Gown that she made for us!! It was completely handmade and embroidered. It's absolutely beautiful!
Today we had our first Baby Shower. It was a small get together with some friends, hosted by my dear sister, Cindy. My uncle Ricky and Aunt Martha were so kind enough to let us have the party at their house! We had a wonderful time and we're so thankful to all that were able to join us!
Cindy really put a lot of thought into everything -- the house was decorated beautifully, she had so many details: from the personalized napkins, to the beautiful pictures around the house.
I got teary eyed when I saw she had a frame up with a picture of me and Jorge with my belly and next to it a picture of my mom and my grandmother at my mom's Baby Shower! So beautiful and unexpected!
Right next to the picture are these adorable cookies she had made. They totally match our "About To Hatch" theme! So cute!
Cindy made all the food herself, from the shrimp wraps, to the crostini and she even made my favorite desserts! Everything was just scrumptous!
We had a great time playing games: Who Knows Mommy Best, Newborn Know-How, Baby Animals... but my favorite was Mystery Baby Food! It was so funny to see everyone's faces as they tried the different flavors to guess what each would be! Priceless!
It was so much fun catching up with old friends! Jorge and I had a really good time celebrating our little Baby G! Thanks so much to everyone for everything you did to make it so memorable!