So this Thursday I will officially be in my second trimester! In 6 months we'll have a baby! That simultaneously excites, overwhelms and terrifies me!
I have been having my ups and downs this week in regards to how I've been feeling. But I'm anticipating that my second trimester is around the corner. So in honor of this occasion of being (almost!) sick-free and being at the end of my first trimester, (when morning sickness has really been the absolute worst), I want to send my wonderful husband a very, very, very big thank you. He has been my rock. He has been so incredibly supportive, caring and doting since I started getting sick almost two months ago. He's up with me when I'm sick, wakes up every time I wake up in the middle of the night... he brings me water, crackers, Cheerios, bread, Sprite, cookies, gum no matter what time it is. He cooks, washes dishes and cleans the house. He does all the grocery shopping and even ends up going to Publix several times a week because I've run out of something! He cleans everything thoroughly to make sure everything I touch is disinfected. He's put up with my moans and groans, my inexplicable crying, my gassiness and bloatedness (Baby G is quite the musician!), and is always there with a comforting hug whenever I get sick.
He encourages me to go out for a walk to get exercise. And even when it's rained, he's walked with me as we do laps around the living room, through the kitchen, down the hall and to the bedroom in our little apartment so that we at least get our 15 minutes of walking. He gives me back rubs and neck rubs and he tucks me in every night. He even sits with me for a bit as I fall asleep, even when I go to bed at 9:30 and the SportsCenter highlights are on. :)
I love my husband dearly... he's my best friend and has been my #1 cheerleader. He's been so incredibly supportive this whole time when I've been at my worst and been struggling with the morning sickness, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that I have him and how very lucky I am to be his wife.
I am so excited to share this experience with him, of having a baby together and starting a family. Together with Jorge, I know I can look forward without worry to whatever the rest of what this pregnancy may bring and to the arrival of our little one.
I already knew what a wonderful husband he was, but after seeing him in action these last few weeks, it's clear to me what a fantastic father he'll become.
:) made me cry!! What a blessing it is to have such an support system next to you! You two will, already are, excellent parents, no doubt...and the best gift you will give your children is the love and respect that is so obvious between you two. I feel so fortunate to be in your life and I am learning so much from both of you.
Auntie Cindy