This morning we had our monthly doctor's appointment. To our surprise, the doctor let us hear the heartbeat again! We weren't expecting it and it was so amazing to hear it... it's the most beautiful sound in the world! The beat was strong and loud. She had no problem finding it. As soon as she put the wand on my belly the heartbeat came right up, she didn't even have to look for it! Apparently, we'll be hearing it every appointment from now on so we'll definitely have something to look forward to!
The best part of the appointment though was scheduling our "BIG ultrasound" where we find out the sex of the baby! I originally thought it would be at our next appointment in 4 weeks... luckily, we won't have to wait that long -- the ultrasound will be in 2 WEEKS on August 10th!!!!!!!!!! We are so incredibly excited!!!! We're thrilled to welcome whatever it maybe... a little mini-Jorge would be sooo sweet in his little 49ers themed onsies! And a little girl to play dress-up with would be adorable -- no doubt she'd be wearing the 49ers onsies as well, haha! Oh, we can't wait to find out!!!!
So what do you think it'll be? Team blue or team pink?? Take the poll located on the top right hand corner and let me know what you think! :)

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