Today Jorge and I went baby gear shopping again, this time to Buy Buy Baby in Coral Springs and to Baby Love in Tamarac. We were there to look at the important stuff: cribs, mattresses, carseats, strollers and pack n' plays as well as looking into where we should register.
Buy Buy Baby was great -- it's owned by Bed Bath and Beyond and had a large selection as well as fantastic customer service and good prices. However, the only store in Florida right now is that one in Coral Springs -- which is about an hour and a half drive from Miami (where most of my family is) so as much as we liked it, we're not sure if we should register there. (They will be opening a new location in Miami though near the Mall of the Americas on Flagler, but it won't be until November '09, just short of our baby shower! Arg!) Baby Love was good too, but they are a smaller store, only had that one (far) location, and didn't seem to have as large a selection to choose from. Our fall back place to register at is Babies R Us, but from what we've seen and read, their customer service isn't great and return policy is difficult if you don't have a gift receipt. We'll have to keep researching.
On to our biggest item: the crib! Last weekend at Ideal Baby Store, we'd seen this great crib at a really good price, but we were told it only came in white and chestnut. But today at Buy Buy Baby, we saw it in the cherry finish we were looking for! It looks almost just like the the other one we liked that I showed you guys except the back is higher but the front is lower -- just what we wanted, it's $50 cheaper than the other one AND is currently in stock, so we wouldn't have to wait for it to be shipped! Woo-hoo! So far this on is our top pick!! Check it out! :)

I really like this crib... and even better with monkeys :)