Yesterday Jorge and I went with my mom to Babies R Us and Ideal Baby Store in Pembroke Pines to look for baby furniture. I went prepared with my trusty Baby Bargains book to reference the brand names and with my notebook to take notes. We looked at carseats, strollers, pack n' plays, cribs and rockers. And that was just the tip of the iceberg! There's so much more baby gear to consider! Babies R US had a large selection, but their customer service wasn't so great. We were struggling with the strollers trying to figure out how they worked. There was no one in sight to give us a hand. At Ideal Baby they had fantastic service though and we really learned a lot. We still have more stores to look at though!
Here's one of the cribs that we like so far (in cherry finish). (Note that the bedding is not included!)
I really like it... and it goes with the styles and colors you guys already have in your place!
Thanks! We can't wait until we see the little crib in the room!