12 weeks, 2 days pregnant
So I've had a few cravings lately... I like to blame it on Baby G, but I think mommy G is mostly guilty! For the last couple of weeks, when I'm having a good day (a day that I'm not feeling sick), I've been craving ice-cream! I was craving oreo ice-cream one day and strawberry the next. Jorge was great, he indulged me and bought me both, which is HUGE because Jorge doesn't encourage me eating a lot of junk food -- especially now -- but he knows how much I love ice-cream. :)
Last week I got sick a few times, so Thursday when I was feeling better, I HAD to have some Coldstones... cake batter ice-cream with fudge and brownies... pure heaven. So good! My favorite!!
I've also had some chocolate cravings. Jorge bought some snack-sized Hershey bars -- they're teeny! I told Jorge to hide the bag and only give me a couple at a time -- I know if I were left to my own devices, I could eat them all in one sitting. He did a really good job hiding the bag... believe me, I've looked!
You know what's been weird? Water. I usually drink water and nothing else, but lately, water tastes so bad to me! Ick! It's got a terrible flavor and I can't drink it. If it's cold or if I drink it with food, it's better, but I know I'm not drinking as much water as I should. I'm trying to compensate by having soup for lunch or dinner. It helps.
For the last few days I've been craving what Jorge and I call
"Pumkinammon Bars"... they are sooo good! I first made them in December last year after tasting them when my good friend Beth brought them to work. She tracked down
the recipe, and to no surprise, it's from Paula Dean, so you KNOW they gotta be good! They are more actually more cinnamon than pumpkin flavored and that icing is heavenly.... Maybe we'll make some this weekend if Baby G is up for it! :)

Update: Made the pumpkin bars this weeknd! They were a hit!! :)