Monday, November 14, 2011

Mila Breastfeeding Dolly

Mila is at the age that she is very aware of what people are doing - especially Mom and Dad - and she wants to do it too - usually with Dolly. So Mommy puts Mila in her high chair to eat, and later Mila puts Dolly in her high chair to eat. Mommy gives Mila her sippy, so Mila gives Dolly her sippy too.

Sometimes she'll shout, "Mee-na!"mispronouncing her own name when she's trying to say she wants to do something herself. (That's how she pronounces her name; she doesn't pronounce the "L" yet. And, yes, she refers to herself in the 3rd person,  LOL!)

Anyway, she's seen something new in the month that Emmy's been home... Mommy's been breastfeeding Emmy. She's funny - she comes and peers down at Emmy to see what she's doing. She even says, "Emmy come booboo." ("Emmy eat boob.")

So I guess it was inevitable that she see me breastfeeding Emmy today and then she tried to do it too... with Dolly.

OMG. I just about died laughing.

She just kept shoving her under shirt! "Doh come booboo!" ("Doh eat boob!") she'd say matter-of-factly, (like I said, she doesn't pronounce the "L" yet so Dolly is "Doh") as she'd continue to shove Dolly's head under her shirt... Some kids give their dolls baby bottles. Mila doesn't see bottles. She sees Mommy nursing. So she breastfeeds! Love it!!

I ran to grab the camera a snap a few shots! I even got a little bit of video...

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