Friday, November 11, 2011

Emmy is One Month!

Dear Emmy,

You are one month old today and you are just beautiful.

You love to cuddle, sleep and nurse. You still sleep most of the time but you're figuring out the difference between daytime and nighttime pretty quickly and we're happy about that!

You're starting to coo and make sweet noises. It's just adorable.

We can't help but compare what you look like to your sister Mila. At first we thought you guys were so alike, and now we can see the differences. You're your own little person! You have a lot of hair just like Mila's, but while her's was more dense, yours is longer and lighter. You almost look like a little red head or a strawberry blond! I love how you've got the signature bed head look! Your hair sticks up in all different directions! It's so cute!

Your eyes are a darkish gray, similar to how Mila's started out. Who knows what color they'll end up being? You still like to open one eye first and then the other - you are truly Emmy Popeye!

I know it was tough going through the tongue tie and the clipping. It was tough for me too!! But now nursing has been wonderful and you're gaining weight very well and those little legs of yours are starting to plump. I love seeing those little creases get more pronounced. Sometimes I just want to take a bite out of 'em!

I love your little toes and how they curl up and they get all sweaty and stinky. They smell really bad sometimes, LOL! But they smell so bad, it's good. I swear I can't help but take a few whiffs… weird, I know. I can't help it! Your mom is strange... Get used to it. ;)

Many people say you look so much like your Daddy, but a few people say you look like me too, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me. :)

It's really amazing having two kids. We are so happy that you'll grow up with a friend and playmate. Mila is showing to be a caring big sister. I know she's a bit loud sometimes but she just gets excited. :) She really loves having you around.

One of the most common concerns one has when having a second child is - after having the first, how do you find room in your heart to love another child the same? Well, the moment you were born our hearts grew twice as big, that's how!! You're so sweet and tender and cuddly. You look at me and your Daddy with such innocence… I can't help but melt! I just love getting to know your sweet personality.

I can't wait to see what next month will bring. Life has been so generous and kind to us - two precious little ones! How did we get so lucky?

Feeling so very blessed to call you my daughter... I love you!

Your mommy

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