Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby This Week: 7 Weeks Old

Your baby's hands should be mostly open now and ready to reach out to the world. Although your baby can't grab objects just yet, she can grasp things placed in her hands. And once she wraps her hands around something, she might not let go so easily. She'll also try to bat at objects, so keep potentially dangerous items far from her reach.

Your baby's brain is expanding in size and complexity. It will grow about 5 centimeters during the first three months.

You may notice short periods of time when your newborn is quiet and alert. This is prime time for learning. Use these calm intervals to get better acquainted with your baby — talk to her, sing to her, describe the pictures on the walls. She may not be able to add to your conversation just yet, but she's learning nonetheless.

New textures for her hands to feel and new sights and sounds (all in moderation) are all learning opportunities. Even bath time becomes a laboratory for understanding the world around her.

Your baby can track objects with both eyes now, able to follow things consistently and well, she can track a moving object much better, something she may have been able to do for only brief periods since birth.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mila Tenga Emmy!

How sweet is this? Mila is so funny, she goes around saying, "Mila tenga Emmy!" when she wants to hold her little sister. I think she thinks Emmy is a live doll. It's so sweet to see her so affectionate!

Mila gets so excited to hold her!

Emmy... not so much, LOL!

Emmy's little feet!

"Aaaaa-brazo Emmy!"

She loves her so much it hurts! So sweet! LOL, but I had to lovingly pry Emmy out of her arms before she squashed her, hahahaha!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Santa's Enchanted Forest

Growing up in Miami, Santa's Enchanted Forest was THE place to be over the holidays! I was so excited to go with the girls this year. It's a Christmas themed fair with food, games and rides. Of course I could care less about the rides or games, I'm all about the fair food!! And of course, since it's in Miami, there's a bit of latin influence. You can find elephant ears, corn on the cob, sausage, shish kabobs, as well as arepas, empanadas and carne asada! My mom and my sister Cathy live about 20 minutes away from there, so we called them up and met them there.

The first mile in the park is filled with Christmas displays and lights and then there's a ton of food. I was so excited! Seeing all the lights brought me back to when I was a kid. I remember my dad brought us a few times and I remember being in awe of everything. I hoped Mila would enjoy it as much as I remember I did back then. It was hard to tell if she really liked it at first, but then she wanted to get out of the stroller and I could tell she was totally loving it.

Mila was fascinated by the kids on the carousel!

Can you say yum??

There was a pony ride and we thought Mila would enjoy it - she did! 

Although, I'll be honest... I was so sad watching those ponies - they didn't look happy at all! Jorge agreed and we decided we wouldn't ride one again. So sad!!

Emmy is in the carrier!

Once Mila got out of the stroller, it got to the point that she didn't want to go back in, but instead wanted to be carried. As much as we encouraged Cathy and my mom not to carry her and to let her walk, they said they couldn't help but give in and pick her up. What a work out!

Then we headed back to the carousel. Can you tell I'm excited?

That's Emmy in the carrier, by the way. And yes, she's in there nursing! 

What a fun time!

Happy Thanksgiving! Part II

Every year we do Thanksgiving at my mom's on the actual Thanksgiving Thursday and then the following day we do a Thanksgiving at our place so we can have our own turkey day - Blanca cooks and man, oh man, it's so good! She makes the best meal! We had my mom and dad over, along with Cathy, Cindy and Blanca and her friend Steve.

Mila is sitting at the table to my right - if you look, you can see her sippy! I couldn't angle the camera any better to get everyone in the shot. Emmy is in the Ergo Carrier on my chest. But it's ok - I was able to get some pics of them afterwards!

Cathy made Mila this hat and she loved it! She didn't want to take it off! :)

Hugs for Aunt Cici!

Daddy and Emmy... 

Look at that smoothy face!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We drove down to Miami today for Thanksgiving... I was stressed about it because I know Emmy's not thrilled with being in the car. Somehow we made it though and had an early Thanksgiving with my grandmother, my aunt Martha, my aunt Carmen Julia, my cousins Lily and Rafaelito as well as my sister Cathy and my mom. I was so happy to get together with them! The holidays always make me feel like I'm a little kid again.

This year has been extra special. I have so much to be thankful for! I have such a wonderful family that's supportive and loving - and now Jorge and I have these 2 perfect little girls... I'm feeling so very, very blessed! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Baby This Week: 6 Weeks Old

Has your baby smiled at you yet? If not, he will soon. At 6 weeks, about half of all babies can recognize their parents, and many of those babies are so delighted that they welcome Mom or Dad with an excited, gurgly grin. This is one of the first signs that your baby is developing an ability to socialize. In fact, it's called a "social smile," and it's one of the more emotionally gratifying milestones you'll see your baby reach.

Now that your baby's awake for longer periods during the day, you can use these times to support his sensory development. Try singing your favorite lullabies or playing music.

You don't have to limit yourself to children's songs. Fill the house with the sounds of music — from the Black Eyed Peas to Mozart — and watch as your baby expresses his pleasure through coos, lip smacks, and jerking arm and leg movements.

Toddler This Week: 22 Months, Week4

When your toddler whines for something, you may be tempted to cave in just to make him stop. But it's best to hold your ground – if you can show your toddler that whining won't get him anywhere, he's more likely to try other ways of communicating. When you hear your child whining, gently point it out to him and ask him to use his regular voice. Toddlers don't always know what whining is, and they may not be able to recognize it.

Wondering what kind of toys to give your child for his upcoming birthday? Whatever you choose, be sure to check the boxes or labels to confirm that every item is safe for the under-3 crowd.

Toys labeled for age 3 and up pose a choking hazard or other risks to younger children.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

• Toys that let kids pretend: play cash registers, brooms and dustpans, phones, toy dishes, toy food, dress-up clothes, trucks, trains and cars, dolls and doll strollers and cradles
• Toys to manipulate: dolls with buttons and zippers, blocks of all types, the toddler version of colorful plastic building bricks
• Action toys: ride-on vehicles, wagons, balls, climbing structures, carts
• Musical toys: Drums, tambourines, xylophones, cymbals
• Books: Your child can never have too many!

Pee or wee or tinkle? Poop or BM? Every family chooses its own lingo for potty training. Choose the words that feel natural to you or that your child's daycare uses (to avoid confusion).

As for what you call the body parts involved, some families introduce words such as "penis" and "vagina" from the beginning while others choose to wait. Eventually you'll want your child to learn the official names for body parts, whether you use them with each other or not.


At a playdate at Audrey's house, with the girls and Dolly. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mila Breastfeeding on the Toilet

This was just way too funny not to post! Haha! That's my girl!! Multi-tasking, even on the toilet!!

Is this not the funniest face EVER?? She was sending me a kiss and I caught her in action! LOVE HER! :)


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