Your toddler is fascinated by how things work and is getting better at grasping and manipulating things. Give her an open sippy cup and watch how she tries to screw the lid on, then off again. Opening and closing cabinet doors will also bring endless enjoyment (be sure to put safety latches on the ones that aren't safe to explore). Some things won't come easy at first and her smiles of pride will alternate with tears of frustration. If you encourage her with lots of hugs and kisses, she'll develop the confidence to try new things.
Do you wonder whether your child is a healthy size?
Concerns about not weighing enough often come up because young toddlers seem to eat relatively little and "live on air." If your toddler's very active, he may take in fewer calories than he expends. He may also lose weight if he comes down with a bug. At this age, being underweight is rarely a sign of a serious underlying illness, but it's a good idea to discuss it with your child's doctor at a regular appointment if you're concerned.
In our obesity-prone era, however, you may be more worried about whether your child weighs too much. If your toddler seems chubby, remember that he's still built like a baby and will slim down as he grows taller and begins to walk and run more.
To help him develop healthy habits, serve nutritious snacks instead of sugary ones and offer lots of opportunity for active play. Encourage eating fruit and drinking water (rather than drinking fruit juice). If you have any concerns about your child's growth, talk to his doctor. She tracks your child's weight and height percentiles to make sure he stays on a healthy trajectory.
If the doctor thinks your child is too heavy, she may recommend switching to milk that's lower in fat. Don't allow your child to roam with a bottle or sippy cup of milk or juice all day long. If you do give your child juice, limit it to 4 to 6 ounces a day. (You can stretch that amount by diluting it with water.)
Whenever possible, serve finger foods instead of spoon-feeding your toddler. When he feeds himself, he learns to recognize when he's hungry and when he's satisfied. But don't restrict your toddler's intake of healthy foods unless instructed to by his doctor – he might miss out on the nutrients his growing body needs.
If your toddler is continuing to breastfeed, congratulations. Extended nursing (breastfeeding beyond the first year) isn't for everyone, but it brings plenty of benefits.
Even though your child now gets most of his nutrition from solid food, breast milk provides calories, vitamins, enzymes, and valuable immunities. Studies have even shown that breastfed toddlers get sick less often.
Contrary to popular belief in the United States, breastfeeding past 12 months of age does not make kids overly dependent. Nursing creates a strong bond and provides emotional support that encourages independence and self-confidence.
It brings challenges, too, such as rude comments from onlookers not used to seeing toddlers nursed. You may want to be prepared with some snappy answers to silly questions. For example, in response to "Is he still nursing?" simply saying "yes" can put a stop to the questioning. If someone says, "Are you ever going to stop breastfeeding?" you can say, "Yes, in about ten minutes."
Parent tip
"Every time my children do anything I tell them to, I say, "Thank you." Repetition is the key. You say or do something in front of them enough and they'll get it and do it." – Brandi
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My Baby This Week: 6 Weeks

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Playdate at Mila's
Today I had our Mommy friends over for a lunch playdate. I'd been nervous about hosting since our apartment isn't very big, but I really wanted to have the Mommies over. I was expecting 9 Mommies with 9 babies to come, but at the last minute two weren't able to make it. It was still a lot of us though! Thank goodness that Blanca came over to play with Mila while I got everything ready! And she even stayed during the playdate, which was a huge help! Mila demands so much attention, I realized it would've been hard to be a good host and tend to Mila at the same time! Thank God for Blanca's help!
It was so nice having all our friends over, although, looking back, I probably should've just ordered food instead of making it. Would've saved so much time! And I think I took out too many toys. There were toys everywhere! I think the babies could barely walk! Haha, well, at least now I know for next time.
After lunch, I thought I'd share our news with the Mommies. We don't plan on announcing it publicly until I'm further along, but I knew I had to tell the Mommies. I mean, they're the Mommies!!! I knew they'd be wonderful and supportive and we're all going through the same things together with our little ones. I was so excited to tell them. I'm the first one of our little group to get pregnant with number 2.
So I did the same thing I did with my parents. I went to change Mila's diaper and changed her shirt to the one that I'd made that said "Big Sister" (this one was in english). I went out and told them about the iron on shirt that I'd made and wanted to show them. They all caught on pretty quick! They were so excited for us - they couldn't believe it! I was so happy to share our wonderful news with them. Now I just need one (or more!) of them to join me! I need a pregnancy buddy!!! ;)
It was so nice having all our friends over, although, looking back, I probably should've just ordered food instead of making it. Would've saved so much time! And I think I took out too many toys. There were toys everywhere! I think the babies could barely walk! Haha, well, at least now I know for next time.
After lunch, I thought I'd share our news with the Mommies. We don't plan on announcing it publicly until I'm further along, but I knew I had to tell the Mommies. I mean, they're the Mommies!!! I knew they'd be wonderful and supportive and we're all going through the same things together with our little ones. I was so excited to tell them. I'm the first one of our little group to get pregnant with number 2.
So I did the same thing I did with my parents. I went to change Mila's diaper and changed her shirt to the one that I'd made that said "Big Sister" (this one was in english). I went out and told them about the iron on shirt that I'd made and wanted to show them. They all caught on pretty quick! They were so excited for us - they couldn't believe it! I was so happy to share our wonderful news with them. Now I just need one (or more!) of them to join me! I need a pregnancy buddy!!! ;)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Toddler This Week: 13 Months, Week 4
Spirited and mild-mannered toddlers alike will experiment with ... how shall we say it? ... undesirable behavior. If your toddler indulges in fits of screaming, hitting, and biting, you can take some solace in knowing that his development is right on track. Discipline can be a challenge with kids this age, so try to build a little personal time into your schedule each week as a way to refuel your patience tank.
At 13 months, many toddlers have full-blown separation anxiety. Yours may become upset when you leave her, even with friends or family members she sees relatively often. The intensity of her attachment to you is hard to resist – and she'll probably never be as unquestioningly devoted to you again.
On the other hand, kids this age can be very, very clingy and you may find yourself wishing your child was a little less focused on you. There's nothing more guilt inducing than leaving your crying child with someone else when she wants only you. Five minutes after you leave, though, your little one's likely to have dried her tears and be perfectly happy.
Be as patient as you can during this tender time. Like all normal phases, it will pass. Separation anxiety typically peaks between 10 and 18 months and then gradually fades away.
It'll probably be quite a while before your child learns to entertain herself for an extended period (although some kids can do so now). You can start the learning process by encouraging her to play without your direct involvement occasionally.
Try showing your toddler how to play with a particular toy, then turning away for the few minutes that she may be absorbed with it. This helps teach her that she doesn't need your interaction or direction every second.
When she becomes restless or asks for your help, turn back to her and reengage her or introduce a new activity. Small increments of solo play help build confidence, too.
Parent tip
"When our daughter has a hard time settling down after we've put her in her crib, one of us sits in the glider rocker in her darkened room. When she starts throwing things out, I stick my hand in her crib to soothe her. I take my laptop in, dim the screen, and catch up on personal e-mail and such. I pretty much ignore her unless she needs me to reach in, but just having me in there helps her. It's a nice opportunity for us both to unwind." – Anne
At 13 months, many toddlers have full-blown separation anxiety. Yours may become upset when you leave her, even with friends or family members she sees relatively often. The intensity of her attachment to you is hard to resist – and she'll probably never be as unquestioningly devoted to you again.
On the other hand, kids this age can be very, very clingy and you may find yourself wishing your child was a little less focused on you. There's nothing more guilt inducing than leaving your crying child with someone else when she wants only you. Five minutes after you leave, though, your little one's likely to have dried her tears and be perfectly happy.
Be as patient as you can during this tender time. Like all normal phases, it will pass. Separation anxiety typically peaks between 10 and 18 months and then gradually fades away.
It'll probably be quite a while before your child learns to entertain herself for an extended period (although some kids can do so now). You can start the learning process by encouraging her to play without your direct involvement occasionally.
Try showing your toddler how to play with a particular toy, then turning away for the few minutes that she may be absorbed with it. This helps teach her that she doesn't need your interaction or direction every second.
When she becomes restless or asks for your help, turn back to her and reengage her or introduce a new activity. Small increments of solo play help build confidence, too.
Parent tip
"When our daughter has a hard time settling down after we've put her in her crib, one of us sits in the glider rocker in her darkened room. When she starts throwing things out, I stick my hand in her crib to soothe her. I take my laptop in, dim the screen, and catch up on personal e-mail and such. I pretty much ignore her unless she needs me to reach in, but just having me in there helps her. It's a nice opportunity for us both to unwind." – Anne
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Telling Family About #2
5 weeks, 4 days pregnant
If you recall, before Mila was born, we'd refer to her as "Baby G" (as in Baby Granja). Now that we have another little one on the way, we've decided on calling this one "Baby G 2 point 0" LOL! I've been calling him/her "number 2" for short, although Jorge isn't crazy about it. He wants to call him/her "G2", haha! We'll see what sticks!
The night we found out Baby G2 was on the way, I was so excited! I wanted to call someone and talk about it! I knew I wanted to tell my parents in person, so I didn't call them, instead, I called my sister Cindy, who is out of the country in Dominica for medical school. It was kinda late, but I was able to get a hold of her. I was so happy to share the news with her! She was such a big part of my pregnancy with Mila - she planned a gorgeous baby shower for me, went to many of my childbirth classes with me, helped get Jorge and I to the hospital when I was in labor and was even in the delivery room when Mila was born! She was such a huge support and great friend. She even helped us out the first week we had Mila and brought us food and helped us clean and do things around the house. I don't know how I could have done it without her! So of course I was thrilled to call her and tell her the news! She was so excited for us!
Jorge called and told his sister Blanca about Baby G2 the morning after we found out. But for my family, I knew I wanted to do something creative and do something in person! I thought, how fun would it be to have Mila be the one to tell them that she's going to be a big sister? So I made an iron-on shirt that said, "Hermana Mayor" ("Big Sister") and underneath it said "Mila '11." It came out really cute!
I invited my mom, my dad, my sister Cathy and Blanca over for lunch, telling them it was so nice to have a long weekend for President's Day and that we would love to see them. I made some yummy pot pie for lunch and after we ate, I took advantage during a diaper change to change Mila's shirt to the one I'd made. I put a cute ribbon in her hair and put on her adorable tutu. She looked extra cute! I came out and they all ooohhed and ahhhed at her sweet little outfit. Then I said, "So I made this shirt for Mila the other day. Isn't it cute? Read what it says...."
It was soooo funny to see their faces! Cathy at first, looked at me in disbelief. She knew instantly, but just stared at me wide-eyed. My mom didn't get it.
They were quiet; confused. "Can you see what it says? Read it." I prodded.
My mom, who was the closest to Mila, read it outloud, "Big sister." She was still confused. Then, slowly, it dawned on her and her face totally lit up! "No!" she exclaimed, in surprise and excitement. I laughed and nodded.
Cathy squealed, "I KNEW IT! I was thinking it, but I couldn't believe it!!"
My dad this whole time has no idea what's going on. He's sitting right there, but seems like he's totally missed what's happening.
"Daddy, did you read the shirt?" I asked.
My dad looks over at me, "Hmmm? ... Yes, I see it says Mila eleven." Still doesn't get it.
"No, read above that."
"Oh... 'Big sister.'" Pause.
Then it hit him.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! A gran hijue madre! No me diga!" He sat up, surprised. (That phrase is his signature phrase - he says that whenever he's surprised... it's so funny! It's a very Colombian expression, loosely translates to, "Holy moly, no way!")
I looooooved seeing their reaction. Jorge caught their faces perfectly! You can actually almost read my dad's lips as he's talking, haha!
"Mila's going to be a big sister!" I exclaimed.
"But why eleven?" my dad asked. "That's what I kept looking at. I didn't understand."
"Because he or she will be born this year, so Mila will be a big sister in 2011." I explained.
Then came all the questions of how long we'd known, how far along I was, how was I feeling and when I was due - to which I responded, that we'd known since Valentine's weekend, that I'd been feeling well, that I was about 5 and a half weeks, and that he or she will be here by Halloween. October 20th is my due date!
My parents are oh-so-excited for their second grandchild, as are we! I have my first prenatal appointment coming up, which I know will make it seem more real. I can't believe this is happening... again!!
If you recall, before Mila was born, we'd refer to her as "Baby G" (as in Baby Granja). Now that we have another little one on the way, we've decided on calling this one "Baby G 2 point 0" LOL! I've been calling him/her "number 2" for short, although Jorge isn't crazy about it. He wants to call him/her "G2", haha! We'll see what sticks!
The night we found out Baby G2 was on the way, I was so excited! I wanted to call someone and talk about it! I knew I wanted to tell my parents in person, so I didn't call them, instead, I called my sister Cindy, who is out of the country in Dominica for medical school. It was kinda late, but I was able to get a hold of her. I was so happy to share the news with her! She was such a big part of my pregnancy with Mila - she planned a gorgeous baby shower for me, went to many of my childbirth classes with me, helped get Jorge and I to the hospital when I was in labor and was even in the delivery room when Mila was born! She was such a huge support and great friend. She even helped us out the first week we had Mila and brought us food and helped us clean and do things around the house. I don't know how I could have done it without her! So of course I was thrilled to call her and tell her the news! She was so excited for us!
Jorge called and told his sister Blanca about Baby G2 the morning after we found out. But for my family, I knew I wanted to do something creative and do something in person! I thought, how fun would it be to have Mila be the one to tell them that she's going to be a big sister? So I made an iron-on shirt that said, "Hermana Mayor" ("Big Sister") and underneath it said "Mila '11." It came out really cute!
I invited my mom, my dad, my sister Cathy and Blanca over for lunch, telling them it was so nice to have a long weekend for President's Day and that we would love to see them. I made some yummy pot pie for lunch and after we ate, I took advantage during a diaper change to change Mila's shirt to the one I'd made. I put a cute ribbon in her hair and put on her adorable tutu. She looked extra cute! I came out and they all ooohhed and ahhhed at her sweet little outfit. Then I said, "So I made this shirt for Mila the other day. Isn't it cute? Read what it says...."
My dad, well, might have taken a nap here because he didn't even realize what was going on!
They were quiet; confused. "Can you see what it says? Read it." I prodded.
My mom, who was the closest to Mila, read it outloud, "Big sister." She was still confused. Then, slowly, it dawned on her and her face totally lit up! "No!" she exclaimed, in surprise and excitement. I laughed and nodded.
Cathy squealed, "I KNEW IT! I was thinking it, but I couldn't believe it!!"
My dad this whole time has no idea what's going on. He's sitting right there, but seems like he's totally missed what's happening.
"Daddy, did you read the shirt?" I asked.
My dad looks over at me, "Hmmm? ... Yes, I see it says Mila eleven." Still doesn't get it.
"No, read above that."
"Oh... 'Big sister.'" Pause.
Then it hit him.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! A gran hijue madre! No me diga!" He sat up, surprised. (That phrase is his signature phrase - he says that whenever he's surprised... it's so funny! It's a very Colombian expression, loosely translates to, "Holy moly, no way!")
I looooooved seeing their reaction. Jorge caught their faces perfectly! You can actually almost read my dad's lips as he's talking, haha!
"Mila's going to be a big sister!" I exclaimed.
"But why eleven?" my dad asked. "That's what I kept looking at. I didn't understand."
"Because he or she will be born this year, so Mila will be a big sister in 2011." I explained.
Then came all the questions of how long we'd known, how far along I was, how was I feeling and when I was due - to which I responded, that we'd known since Valentine's weekend, that I'd been feeling well, that I was about 5 and a half weeks, and that he or she will be here by Halloween. October 20th is my due date!
My parents are oh-so-excited for their second grandchild, as are we! I have my first prenatal appointment coming up, which I know will make it seem more real. I can't believe this is happening... again!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Daniel and Jennifer's Wedding
A few months ago, I designed the invitations for my cousin Daniel's wedding. The theme of the wedding had a vintage feel to it, and this is what I came up with. They loved it!
Originally, when we were invited to the wedding, I thought we would not be able to make it because it would be too late and who would watch Mila? I was sad thinking I would miss it, but then it occurred to me that perhaps I could just go by myself to the ceremony and the early reception part and then go home in time for Mila's bedtime. I thought it might just work! I love weddings and I didn't want to miss it!
I'd left Mila home with Jorge before, but never at night and never for a long period of time. At first, I was really nervous, but once I got to the ceremony I eased up and had a great time. I was excited to take pictures with my new camera! I have illusions of becoming a photographer one day, LOL!
It was a lovely wedding! At the reception, they even had the invitation I created on display! :)
Originally, when we were invited to the wedding, I thought we would not be able to make it because it would be too late and who would watch Mila? I was sad thinking I would miss it, but then it occurred to me that perhaps I could just go by myself to the ceremony and the early reception part and then go home in time for Mila's bedtime. I thought it might just work! I love weddings and I didn't want to miss it!
I'd left Mila home with Jorge before, but never at night and never for a long period of time. At first, I was really nervous, but once I got to the ceremony I eased up and had a great time. I was excited to take pictures with my new camera! I have illusions of becoming a photographer one day, LOL!
It was a lovely wedding! At the reception, they even had the invitation I created on display! :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Happy First Birthday to B!
Mila's BFF B turned one year old today! I love this little girl. She's the biggest sweetheart! Mila and B have been friends since before they were born!! B's mom Spencer and I met in our childbirth class. The first time the girls actually met was when B was one month old and Mila was 2 and half months... they go waaaay back!
Here's a pic of when they first met! Look how little!
Here's a pic of when they first met! Look how little!
And now they're a couple of one year olds!
B in a box, LOL!
Spencer and B
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Baby This Week: 5 Weeks

The neural tube — from which your baby's brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone will sprout — is starting to develop in the top layer, called the ectoderm. This layer will also give rise to his skin, hair, nails, mammary and sweat glands, and tooth enamel.
His heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, or mesoderm. (This week, in fact, his tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.) The mesoderm will also form your baby's muscles, cartilage, bone, and subcutaneous (under skin) tissue.
The third layer, or endoderm, will house his lungs, intestines, and rudimentary urinary system, as well as his thyroid, liver, and pancreas. In the meantime, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which deliver nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already on the job.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
4 weeks, 4 days pregnant
Today, Spencer invited us over to her place for a Valentine's Day craft playdate! We had so much fun!
Today, Spencer invited us over to her place for a Valentine's Day craft playdate! We had so much fun!
Mila with marker
B with crayons
Mila with Weeble, marker and crayon
B with crayons
Spencer with Clooney the cat! Such a sweet one!
Valentine's decorations, so pretty! Spencer went all out!
Claudia with Liam
Mila and Mommy
The kids made some valentine's art! Mila made one for Daddy. It was Mila's first time using finger paint... and she wasn't too fond of it at first! She saw the paint on her hands and started to cry!
Then Spencer showed her she could paint with it on paper and was ok...
Until she saw the paint was still on her hands, and then she cried again - but then mashed the paint all over her face!!! Sorry Mila - but this was just hilarious!! You were soooo cute!
Then we got you out of there and you were ok! You prefer play time than art time, haha!
Here's the art that all the kids made! Mila's is the first one on the left.
Look what beautiful art Mila made her Daddy for Valentine's Day! Daddy loved it! What a great day!
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