Monday, October 4, 2010

Mila is 9 Months!

Dear Mila,

As of today, you have officially been an "outside" baby longer than an "inside" baby! I can hardly believe it. You're such a big girl!! You can do so much now. You're on the verge of me calling you a "walker"! You're taking steps here and steps there, although you still crawl more than you walk. But this weekend you took 13 consecutive little steps all by yourself!! Mommy and Daddy were in AWE! We are so excited for you and at the same time a little nervous... cuz this means you'll be getting into everything - as if you haven't been already!

You're also just starting to babble. You're usually pretty quiet and have been focusing more on motor development rather than on language, but just these last couple of days you've started "bwaaabwaaaahhh"-ing and it's hilarious to see you trying to sound out words. I've read that babies who hear two languages at home usually start speaking about a month later than other babies, so this may be the case. I try to speak as much spanish with you as possible, but Daddy and I speak english and our playdates are all in english, so you're exposed a bit to both. I hope you're picking up the spanish though!  I know it'll be easier to learn it now!

You're eating so much more now too. We've really been trying to ease you from breast milk to solids, but things are going well, so now we're picking up the pace a bit. You're now eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks in between.

You have breakfast around 9am and you have oatmeal (2 tbsp) and then you nurse. For lunch, you'll have a fruit (3 tbsp) and some water and then you nurse. Then comes a breast milk snack. Then you'll have a vegetable for dinner (3 tbsp) and some water, with some nursing afterwards.  Then you'll go to sleep for an hour or so and wake up for a bedtime nursing and will wake up 1-2 times a night to nurse, with the last (or only) nursing anywhere between 4:30am-7:30am. You do pretty well at night and don't usually wake up too often, usually once, but no more than twice. You don't fall asleep on the boob anymore though, and your daddy or I will have to rock you to sleep. That's a bummer. It used to be so easy when you'd fall asleep on the boob!

You love to explore and put everything in your mouth. Your Little Playzone has been awesome in keeping you safe! Now that you're venturing everywhere, I would be chasing you down if we didn't have it! Don't worry, we'll let you explore the apartment soon enough, but for now it's the baby jail "baby condo" for you!

Lately, separation anxiety has definitely been apparent. You can be extremely clingy and whenever anyone wants to pick you up, you'll whine and cry even if I'm standing right next you. It's really sweet, but Abuelita and BisAbuelita, your Tia Cathy and Aunt CC and Abuelito all want to hold you too! They all love you so much! Give them a chance, ok? They're not so bad! :)

On the other hand, you get so excited whenever you see Mommy or Daddy or one of your favorite toys! If you're sitting on the ground you'll start jumping up and down with your little tush and it's almost like you're hopping with your butt! It's hilarious to watch! Daddy always gets a good chuckle when you do that.

One of your favorite toys is the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Musical Table. We got this for you a month or so ago. You loooove it and can play with it for hours. It has a little laptop (so you can read Mommy's blog and catch up on Facebook, LOL!), a book, a phone (so you can call Grammy and Bijou) and a piano. The laptop if your favorite and will just open and close it over and over again. I hear "Open. Abrir. Close. Cerrar.... Open. Abrir. Close. Cerrar." Allllllllll day long! What I love about it is that it has a Spanish setting, so it says "Cat. Gato. Dog, Perro." It's great! Mila doesn't have too many bilingual or spanish speaking toys. I love that it speaks spanish... but the only problem is that the spanish pronunciation has an american accent to it! So "perro" sounds like "pero" and "rojo" sounds like "row-ho." But the worst one by far is the "Yellow. Amarillo." Amarillo should sound like "ah-ma-ree-yo" sounds like "ah-ma-reel-yo" -- it's pretty funny, but it also sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Let's hope you learn to say it correctly! Mommy is trying her best to make sure you speak spanish well!

You still love to wave at everything, although your "waving" looks more like you're screwing in a lightbulb, LOL! You don't do it with the intention to wave though, seems like you just do it when you're excited. It's super cute.

You're hair has gotten soooo long now. Your Daddy and I talk about getting you a haircut. Your bangs are forever in your eyes and we have to keep pulling your hair back with a hair tie, but you always seem to find it and pull it out. I'm debating weather I should cut it or not... lately I've been putting you in your pink headband cuz it's the only thing you won't pull out. You look totally 80's and I love it!

Every day that goes by, you're looking more and more like a big girl and less like a baby. It's so bittersweet. I love seeing you walk and play and crawl... but other times I see your newborn pictures and those of you when you were just a couple of months old and I wonder where that little baby went? You were so little and now you're so big! And you're first birthday is around the corner! Ahhh!!!! Ok, I gotta stop thinking about it because I'm getting teary-eyed just writing this.

I love you my Milaroni Macaroni. You drive me crazy and it's the best thing ever.

Your Mommy

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