Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby This Week: 40 Weeks

You're probably noticing that your blossoming baby is learning different ways to express herself emotionally. She's also becoming more social day by day. A few of her favorite new tricks may be clapping, especially when pleased; waving bye-bye; pointing to indicate what she wants or when she sees something new and interesting; shrieking loudly to attract your attention; laughing at silly sounds and expressions; and crying in a specific tone to convey a particular "request."

The torrent of words your baby has been hearing since birth is beginning to work its magic, although her understanding of words far outpaces her ability to use them. Her babbling has turned to jabber and is probably starting to sound more like real words, phrases, and sentences. Your baby thinks she's saying something, so respond as if she really is!

Your baby still comprehends more from your tone than from your actual words, though. She can understand when she's pleased you, so offer specific praise, such as "You did a great job picking up the rattle." The more you talk to your baby — while preparing dinner, driving, or getting dressed — the more she learns about communication.

Your baby's starting to understand the word "no," though she may not obey it just yet. For example, you can expect her to try to touch something even after you've said not to. It's best to use the word "no" sparingly, and when you do use it, follow it by removing her from the scene of the crime and introducing her to a new activity.

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