Friday, August 6, 2010

Myths of the Stay-At-Home-Mom

I have a confession. Before having Mila, whenever I thought about stay-at-home-moms, I envisioned lounging around the house, watching tv all day, running errands here and there, sleeping in... I mean, babies sleep all day right? Piece of cake!

Fast forward to the present. When I got pregnant, I didn't plan on being a stay-at-home-mom, but here we are. And let me tell you -- there ain't NOTHING easy about staying at home! It's a lot of work. A lot. Everything that used to take 5 or 10 minutes now takes an hour because you can never start something and finish it. It'll be feeding time or nap time, or baby just wants you to play and you can't leave baby alone. I'm able to clean or take a short break during her 30 minute naps. Then it's back to work feeding/rocking/entertaining the baby! I don't get much time at all to do blogging or design work for Paper Petunia until after she's gone to bed for the night, which can be either at 10:30pm or at midnight. I'm up late doing my own things and then I'm up many times during the night -- these days 2 or three times a night and I can hardly remember what a good night's rest feels like. A good night consists of Mila falling asleep at 10:30pm, and of her only waking up at 1:30am and then again at 7am. That would be heaven! But usually it takes several times of rocking her to get her to fall asleep. Ugh. It get's challenging. And this is 24/7... no days off. It's a tough job. I am in awe of my mom that took care of 2 kids that were 18 months apart! And I'm in even more awe of my grandmother that had 8 kids to raise and take care of! Eeeek! I don't know how they did it. Mila is a handful on her own -- I can't imagine what it'd be like with more! Definitely a challenge!!

I saw this posted this on Facebook, and I thought it was so true. If you're a mom, or know someone who is, you need to read this (click for large version):

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