Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WWYD: Wasp in the Car!

What would you do? Several weeks ago, I was at a Mommy Group and at the end, I packed Mila up into the car and as I was pulling out of the parking spot, when I saw a GIANT wasp in my car -- just above my dashboard. I almost pooped my pants.

Immediately, the first thing that came to mind was Mila in the backseat. What do I do? Do I swat it? What if I miss? Will it fly away and bite Mila??? I'm pulling out into traffic, do I have time to pull back into my spot before it moves??? What do I do?!? Oh, and did I mention I HATE BUGS??????!!!!!!!

So I quickly pulled the car back into the spot -- safety first! The wasp didn't move. It just walked around a bit. I was on the verge of panicking.  I opened the door of the car hoping it would fly out. "Please go away, Mr. Wasp!!!!" I pleaded in my head. I thought, "Should I take Mila out of the car? Or should I just take my chance and swipe it before it flies around? But what if it takes off while I'm getting Mila and comes at us? What if I can't find it? How am I going to drive home not knowing if it's in here or not??"

Then, before I had a chance to do anything, Mr. Wasp flew out the door. Whew. What a relief! I was still so freaked out though! What if I hadn't seen it? What if it started flying around the car while I was on the highway???? What would I have done??? Oh my goodness, I would have totally freaked out. So it got me thinking, what is my plan of action if this happens again? What do I do? What would you do?

I posed this question to my dad, whom I called on my way home after this happened. We started discussing scenarios. So first of all, don't panic. I'd read or heard somewhere that bees get agitated by carbon dioxide and will attack, so not to start panicking and not to breathe out of your mouth. I imagine wasps, being a distant cousin of the bee, may have the same reaction. So no heavy breathing from the mouth. Keep calm. Then, safety is key! A wasp bite is bad, but a car accident is worse. Pulling over would be the wisest thing to do. Don't try to swat at it while driving.

Next, protect Mila! I'd rather it bite me than for it to bite her! Once I pulled over in a safe area, I would open all the car doors and hope it flies out on it's own while I take Mila out of the car.  If it's a safe area, I would take the carseat out and put it next the car. But it has to be safe! If possible, I would take out the stroller and put her in it. Make sure to put the brakes on the stroller! Then the hunt begins for the wasp. Hopefully, after all this time, it would have flown out of the car. Have shoe or Wet One wipe ready! 

So that was my plan. And yesterday, I had the chance to put it into action. I found another wasp in my car.

Fortunately, I had just parked at home and was just about to go take out the stroller, when I saw it on the floor of my front passenger side.  The wasp was crawling around. I stayed calm. I was in a safe area, so I grabbed the car seat with Mila in it and put it on the ground next to the car. Then I took out the stroller and put her in it. Now that I knew she'd be safe, I went to the wasp. It was still crawling around on the floor of my car. I wish I could have spared it... but it had an untimely end with my shoe.

I was actually quite proud of myself. Ask Jorge - I'm no bug killer! I'm usually running away screaming. But this time, my Mommy instincts kicked in and it was Mommy to the rescue! Mila was safe and sound. Until next time, Mr. Wasp. Send your little brothers to get me! I can take 'em!

1 comment:

  1. wow..wasps now, what's next? lizards? ;o) I'm impressed!



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