Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mila is 7 Months!

Dear Mila,

This month has been amazing! So much has happened! First off, you have teeth! Two of 'em! They started coming out a month ago and now they are totally out. You love to smile and show off your new pearly whites. It's so cute. Although what's not so cute is that now you like to gnaw and bite -- my fingers, my arms, my leg, my neck, my collar bone, your toys, your toes, your crib ... anything that is within reach is fair game. And man, those teeth are SHARP! You're my little shark! Since you nurse, people have asked me if you've bitten me and no, you haven't. At least not yet. When you nurse, your tongue covers your bottom teeth so I never feel your teeth, thankfully. Now when those top teeth come in... I don't know what will happen. Let's think good thoughts though!

Now that your teeth have come in, we're putting them to work -- you're now eating solids! We started off feeding you bananas, but now you also eat rice cereal and carrots. We were feeding you solids once a day for the first week, but then we noticed it was affecting your tummy, so we cut back to every 3 days and then every two days and now it's every other day. You're eating like such a big girl!

You've also learned how to sit up and now you don't need any help -- you've really mastered it! You've also started pulling yourself up to stand and almost gave Mommy a heart attack when I found you standing in your crib! You were too close to the top and Mommy was afraid you'd be able to jump out!! Daddy lowered your crib immediately! We lowered it to the middle setting, but we had to lower it to the lowest setting when you showed us that you could still reach. Now you're all the way at the bottom of the crib! It's a bit hard to reach down there when I put you in when you're asleep -- it's too low for me! So Daddy bought this stepper at Sports Authority and it's been working great. Now I won't have to drop you in those last few inches!

You've also just started crawling -- ACK, you're mobile! You were quite the mischievious one before you were on the move, now -- watch out! Now you're really getting into everything! You climb and grab everything... you love to attack Mommy and Daddy. We are your jungle gym:

But now that your crawling everywhere, Mommy is looking into getting you a baby jail baby gate to keep you safe. :)

The newest thing you started doing as of today, as a matter of fact, is you're not just pulling yourself up, you're STANDING! I can hardly believe it! You just started crawling and you're already standing??!! Slow down! You're growing too fast! You'll push off of the Snoogle pillow (my giant pregnancy pillow) that is your new toy and you'll stand. I could hardly believe it! You'll only stay standing for a a few seconds and then you plop down. I thought it was a fluke but you were doing it over and over again when Daddy got home. I am in awe Mila!

Your favorite part of the day (and my favorite too!!) is when Daddy comes home. Oh my goodness, it melts my heart! We're usually playing in the living room and the door will creak a little. You look up. And there's Daddy with a HUGE smile on his face looking at his little girl... "Hi, mi amor!" he exclaims.  Your face totalllllly lights up and you start giggling and laughing. Your arms will flail as if to tell him to come get you! You celebrate every time you see him... it's the most precious thing ever. You loooooooove your Daddy so much. And I know your Daddy loves you too! And Mommy loves you and Daddy as well. Our little family is awesome. :)

Great big hugs to my little big girl! I love you.

Your Mommy

7 Month Status Update:

17.8 lbs.
27 inches


  1. These are my favorite entries...I love reading the "dear Mila" letters...they are so sweet, it always tears me up! Connie and Jorge, you are SUCH great parents. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am learning SO SO SO much about how to be a great parent. I love you guys!

    Auntie CC

  2. That is so sweet Cindy! We love you too!! :)


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