Sunday, June 6, 2010

High School Graduation

My goddaughter Cristina graduated from high school today and Jorge and I took Mila to the ceremony. We had a great time! Mila was so good too. She was so curious as to what was going on. I thought she might get fussy, but she was wonderful. She sat on my lap and played with her toys and glanced out at the stage every once in a while.

As I heard the speeches talking about what these graduates have accomplished and the lives they have ahead of them, I was amazed how where before I would have found myself relating to the graduating person and remembering how it was for me, now I couldn't help but look at it from a mom perspective and think of Mila and how one day she'll be up there getting her diploma! Maybe it was the moving speeches or maybe it's my crazy hormones, but I teared up more than once! I know she's just five months, but I feel like I got a glimpse of what I'll be seeing 18 years from now! Sniff!

Congratulations to Cristina! We are so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. we gave her that apple onesie! very cute.... :P
    Love you guys


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