Sunday, January 3, 2010

Belly Picture: 39.5 Weeks

39 weeks, 3 days pregnant

So today I didn't get a chance to take my weekly belly picture. I'm honestly feeling so lethargic, I don't have energy to do anything -- not even take a picture. Jorge and I know that Baby G can come any day now, and we are so happy she hasn't come yet because tonday and this week my midwife is the one on call and we want her to be the one that's at the birth. So I've been holding her in until today! Baby G feel free to come out and play now!

Today Jorge and I went out for a walk. We took a 20 minute walk around our neighborhood. I really wasn't feeling up for it, but Jorge motivated me telling me that it would help make me un-pregnant... and I'm all for that right now. I have been having some contractions but nothing major. I'm not even sure if that's what it is because I just feel some pressure and it could just be the baby in a weird position. They haven't been consistant enough to time them yet, so I think these may just be what is called Braxton Hicks Contractions, which are just practice contractions that your body does to prepare for the birth. You can have them weeks before labor begins though. I really have a feeling Baby G is going to make a late appearance... but I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later because on Tuesday I have my weekly doctor's appointment and since I'm due on Thursday my midwife might start talking about an induction if I don't go into labor soon. She doesn't want me going longer than a week past my due date. Which means Baby G should be here by the 14th at the latest. I can't believe we're in the home stretch now! I'm trying hard to stay positive, but I'm honestly so tired of being pregnant, I'm just giving in to being a bit grumpy.

Here are a couple pictures of me before our walk feeling miserable. So tired! And so BIG! Oh, and get a load of my stylin' new shoes -- I got them a couple of weeks ago when my feet started swelling... they've gotten so big that I don't fit into any of my regular shoes anymore. I had to get flip flops that had the adjustable velcro on top -- so fashionable, don't you think, especially with those socks?? Looks like fashion is just the latest casualty of my pregnancy!

Baby G, let's get this show on the road already!!


  1. conitos, en la primera fotito yo look so sad, que me da ganas de llorar. se nota que you just felt miserable. it must be hard being with a big belly al swollen and in pain. wah!


  2. omg, i was soooo grumpy this day! i just wanted baby OUT!!! Thank goodness I gave birth less than a day later! :)


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