Sunday, September 19, 2010

Avocado Allergy Confirmed :(

So after our last encounter with Mila and avocados, there was a possibility she might be allergic, so we held off on giving her any more for a while. That was a month ago, and so we thought we'd give it another shot. With her reaction last time, we took her to the pediatrician but he didn't think was an allergy, he thought it was a virus. And to be honest, I was kinda hoping it might've been a virus too... allergy to avocado would be worse! But then we gave her avocado again a few days ago. Last time we gave her some Florida avocado (the big one) and this time we gave her a Hass avocado, (the small, darker one).We gave it to her on Thursday for dinner and she was fine. Last time, she didn't show a reaction until the second day, so I wasn't expecting much that first day. The next day, I gave it to her for lunch and I made sure to pay special attention to see if she'd have a reaction... And within an hour her cheeks were turning red and a full rash broke out all over her face, wherever the avocado touched. I even remember she got avocado on her hand and she rubbed her eye -- that turned red too!

The rash was only on her face though. (Last time it was on her face as well, but then got all over her body.) She didn't seem to be bothered by it, so we waited to see how it continued. We thought to take her to the pediatrician on Saturday, but, surprisingly, it was much better when she woke up. Still a bit red, but definitely improved. It seems like it's just a topical allergic reaction. Thankfully, it's nothing worse, but sadly, it looks like avocados are not in Mila's future... at least not for a while! Bummer!!! :(

1 comment:

  1. That's terrible! :( It was not so long ago when she first had her first taste of avocado and smiled from ear to ear. Mila looks incredibly cute and she gets cuter every day. :) I miss my cousins and look forward to the next time we all can see each other again.

    Besos y abrazos (y un gran abrazo para Mila J)
    Carlos Andres


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