Friday, October 14, 2011

Toddler This Week: 21 Months, Week 2

Your toddler's personality is becoming more apparent every day. At the playground, does he run straight for the swings, seesaw, or slide without a second glance at the other kids? Or is he more circumspect, sticking close to you and sizing up the situation before settling on what to do? Understanding your toddler's reactions to new situations will help you prepare your child for preschool and other activities.

Sharing isn't one of your child's strong suits. Don't expect her to master this social grace until later. Right now your toddler is just learning about ownership: "Mine!" She isn't inclined to hand over her possessions, partly because she doesn't have a good understanding of time (when will I get it back?) or reciprocity (you do something for me, I'll do something for you).

Praise your child when you see her offering a toy to a friend or a baby. Model sharing, and use words that help your child understand what it means. For example, try asking if you can play with something she's playing with. If she protests, don't force it. Just say, "Can I have a turn?" With this back and forth, your toddler will start to get an idea of what sharing means.

Don't insist on sharing or set up turn-taking during playdates. Nor is it a good idea to hand over your child's toys to a visitor. Put out toys with lots of pieces (like blocks), and let the kids work out who uses what as much as possible.

Criticize behavior when you must, but avoid criticizing your child. Pointing fingers does little to teach proper behavior. Try phrasing statements to make clear which behaviors you like and which you don't: "I don't like that screechy noise you're making. Please use a quiet inside voice, like this." "I don't like it when you unroll the whole roll of toilet paper." "I like it when you come right away when I call you."

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