Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mila is One Month!

Dear Mila,

I can't believe you're one month old already! It seems like yesterday that we found out we were expecting, and now here you are! This month has been the most exciting month of our lives. It's been absolutely amazing to finally meet you after months of kicks and jabs in my belly. You are the most precious baby ever and I'm so happy to call you my very own. In just a matter of weeks you've changed your Mommy's and Daddy's lives forever. We are so very in love with you!

In just one month you seem to have really developed! You have more wakeful periods now than as a newborn and you seem to be eating lots more too! You make the cutest grunts and snorts and you're now adding "aahhs" and "goos" to your vocabulary. It's the cutest thing ever! It's amazing to be seeing your little personality develop. You love to spend time in Mommy and Daddys arms and cry if we leave you down for too long. Your favortie places to be are in the sling with Mommy, where you take your naps or right on Daddy's chest where he can sing and hum you to sleep. You used to love sleeping swaddled, but you became a little Houdini at getting your arms out, so Mommy stopped putting them in so you could sleep better. You love your hands, but it doesn't seem like you know that they are yours yet. Whenever they wind up on your face, you go searching for them with your mouth -- but they seem to elude you. There are times when you're able to find your thumb and when you do, you really go to town on it, sucking it with the rest of your fingers sprawled in front of your face! It's hilarious to watch!

You are starting to stare at things far away, like ceilings and lamps, and occasionally at Mommy and Daddy. We are anticipating when you'll start recognizing us, but I think we have to wait a bit more for that. You spend all day with your tongue out -- even while you're sleeping! Sometimes I wonder if it's that you're dreaming about boobies, because you sure do love them! You love car rides, but hate the carseat! Mommy likes to sit with you in the backseat to keep you company. Other things you hate: diaper changes, gassy bellies, bath time and tummy time. Boy, you sure do wail whenever you have any of those!!

Mommy and Daddy love watching you with your full body stretches and seeing all the funny faces you make. There's one where you wrinkle up your forhead as you stretch and your whole face gets into it... we just melt! You stretch your legs out completely straight too, so cute! Your little feetsies are so big (even the pediatrician says so!) and you're growing out of your sockies so quickly! You only have a couple of pairs that really fit you well. All the others seem to come off within minutes!

Everyone you meet immediately falls in love with you -- I think it's because you're the sweetest, most cutest baby in the whole wide world, but I could be a little bit biased, haha! Everyone comments on how much hair you have and how much you look like your daddy. You have the most adorable expressions and Mommy and Daddy can't stop staring at you. We take lots of pictures and video of you to share with our family and friends. Everyone loves to hear updates on how you're doing. Your grandmas and your grandpa especially -- they all read your blog religiously! They are your biggest fans!

The books I've read say you'll soon start laughing and smiling -- I am so looking forward to those. You smile a bit in your sleep and while you're passing gas, so we have a preview of what your sweet smiles will look like, but I can't wait to see you smiling at me. Although we've had a bit of a rough time catching up on sleep, knowing that I will soon be seeing that smile makes it all worth it. :)

I love you so much my sweet little girl! I'm so glad you are part of our lives! Happy One Month!

Your Mommy

1 Month Status Update:
8 lbs. 14 oz. (25th percentile) | 20.5 inches (25th percentile)

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