Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mila is 10 Months!

Dear Mila,

You are 10 months! Such a big girl! :)

You are so smart and more mischievous than ever! Your favorite toy these days are the remote controls, the camera, the phones -- anything electronic -- you want it in your mouth. No matter where we hide them you are always able to find them... I guess that means if we ever misplace the remote, you'll be able to track it down for us, LOL!

You love playing with your tea set, rolling around balls, throwing your toys out of the condo and out of your high chair and having Mommy and Daddy pick them up for you. It's funny to watch - you'll look at Daddy, slowly grab a toy and without breaking your gaze, you pull it to the end of the table, hold the toy for a second, and then drop it over the side. And then you wait for him to pick it up for you... and if not, you cry! Oh my! This is not a particularly fun game for us, although you seem to get a kick out of it and continuously throw your toys out again.

Your walking is getting sooooo good! Everyone comments on how great you're walking and they're so impressed you're walking already -- when I mention it, people almost don't believe me -- they have to see it with their own eyes. I have to say, your daddy and I are so proud to show you off! Haha! You love to crawl under and over everything. If it's in your way -- watch out!! You're going to walk right through it, no matter if that means you end up tripping and falling as you make it through.

You love collecting things and putting them in a bucket. You'll put them in and are just figuring out that you can take them out as well. So smart!

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but you totally know your name now. If we call out to you, you turn around and look. You don't seem to know any other words, but at least we can get your attention by saying your name.

This month, you've gotten soooo big! I can't believe you used to be so small and now I see you looking over the railing of your crib!!

Sleeping has also gotten amazing! You wake up maybe once a night around 7am or so and then fall back asleep after a nurse. It's a dream!

Life with you just gets better and better every day. You're so funny, carefree and spirited! You are an absolute joy and your Daddy and I love you so very much!!!

Loving you more every day,
Your Mommy

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