Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Update on Me & Baby G

22 weeks, 6 days pregant

I'm doing pretty well these days. Definitely doing much better now regarding the nausea and morning sickness. I haven't gotten sick in three weeks -- this is an all-time record! Such a relief! I actually feel like I have the energy to do things on my To-Do List now, so I'm also feeling productive.

I'm 23 weeks now and I'm feeling really big! I wonder how it's possible I'm going to get any bigger? My belly button has really stretched out and it's practically closed now... it looks like it's winking at me, LOL! I'm loving this trimester, not only because I feel like I have more energy and I'm no longer nauseous 24/7 but I can feel Baby G moving around all day! Sometimes she kinda gets in a weird spot that is somewhere under my ribs (or maybe she's up against an organ or something that gets pushed under my ribs?) and it's kinda uncomforatble. But for the most part she's nudging and poking and rolling around in there-- I love it! I feel her move usually after I eat and then sit still on the couch or sit at work. She also kicks late at night and early in the morning (already keeping mommy up!) Jorge feels her move pretty frequently and he talks to her and tells her random things we did that day (ie: "Today, mommy had apple pie and we went for a walk. I bought some shelving for our storage closet that we're remodeling so we can put all your stuff!" hahaha, cracks me up!) ... sometimes he even sings her a song. :) It's soooo sweet! We definitely feel like the pregnancy is more real now, although we still can't believe we're going to be parents!!

My appetite has definitely grown -- I'm craving lots of sweets: cake, ice-cream, apple pie.... mmmmmmmmm. I've gained now 6 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight (and also regained the 6 pounds I lost due to the nausea!) Sleeping has gotten better, especially since I got the Snoogle pillow. It's a giant body pillow that curves so you can put it between your knees... it's really great although it does make the bed seem a bit crowded, LOL! I still wake up with some back pain though and I feel sore sometimes. But at least I'm sleeping through the night. I'm trying to treasure it while I still can!

As far as our nursery goes, it isn't a nursery yet. It's still currently our guest room/office. We are planning on moving furniture out and Jorge is remodeling our storage closet so we have room to move things out to. He's doing a really great job. We have tons more space now! We're planning on painting the room a neutral color, like maybe taupe and then having pink accents. It looks good in my head, I'm hoping it'll look as good in real life! But the baby's closet sure has made some progress -- it seems to be growing every week with all the cute outfits we're getting from our friends and family! It's so inspiring to see all the little baby clothes!

Our birthing classes will be starting in a few weeks. I signed Jorge and I up for the Bradley classes and I'm really looking forward to them! The classes are more in-depth than the ones the hospital offers and seem more complete. We'll be starting classes at the end of the month and they'll be once a week for 12 weeks. I've also contacted a doula that I'm looking forward to interviewing. She'll be there to basically hold my hand and be my coach (along with Jorge) during the birth. I'm very apprehensive about the birth and it's very reassuring to know I have someone experienced there to reassure me! She sounded very nice over the phone and I can't wait to meet her.

We have quite a few baby showers coming up in October! We planned them a little early around my 7th month so as to avoid the craziness that is the holidays. My sister Cindy is throwing me one for our friends on October 11th, my friend Beth is throwing me one for my coworkers on October 17th, and my family is throwing me one on October 18th. I'm so excited!! I'm a little too involved in the showers my sister and my family are throwing me -- as a graphic designer I just HAD to design the invites and the tags for the favors. I just mailed out everything this week! It's been quite a bit of work, but I'm glad they'll all be seperate showers, so that way they'll be smaller and I'll get time to spend with everyone. It'll be a busy month-- but I'm so excited to see everyone! I know a lot of my family has yet to see me with my growing belly. I'll post pictures of the invites soon!

We're still deciding on a name for her but I think we've pretty much narrowed it down to a few. Everyone keeps asking what her name will be, but we want to wait until she's here to introduce her. I'm so looking forward to that day!!! Three and a half months to go! :)


  1. You HAD APPLEPIE?!?!?!?! and DIDN"T SHARE?!?!?!?! Jorge's APPLEPIE??? :( meanie!

  2. Hahaha! No, one can only wish it was Jorge's apple pie! Those only come once every few years when the stars align... like Brigadoon! LOL! We had to settle for the Publix brand, but I'll take it! It was yummy! :)


  3. ok-ok.. you are forgiven then! :)

    Thanks for the wonderful update. I can't wait to see the apartment with the all the upgrades. And by the way ....your belly looks precious!

    Auntie Cindy


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