Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oliver's First Birthday

My friend Sandra's son Oliver turned one and we went down to Miami to celebrate! I'm always a bit concerned whenever we go down to Miami with Mila because she takes a nap around 2:30 every afternoon, so we try to plan around it. We hope she'll nap in the car, but it doesn't always happen. And if THAT doesn't happen, well, then her nap is screwed for the day and so are we! When Mila hasn't napped, watch out!! She's a ticking time bomb until meltdown! But Mila slept in the car thankfully, so it went well! Whew! :)

The party was wonderful. Sandra does event planning on the side and always has the most beautiful and clever ideas. Oliver's theme was vintage airplanes. Adorable! The cake was an airplane on the runway, candied marshmallow propellers, there was a pinnate had motion sickness bags to collect the candy, there were signs at the food that said "fuel" and the table with the gifts said, "luggage", and DIY passports as favors! It was brilliant.

There was so much more I wish I could have taken more pictures of, but between Mila and my growing belly, I just don't have the energy to get around. But I'm thrilled to have been able to capture these!

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