Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mila is 16 Months!

Dear Mila,

This month I can't tell you how happy I am! You've been signing "mommy"!!! The sign is tapping the side of your chin with your thumb and an open palm. You do it so well!! I am SOOOOOOO happy! Finally! You don't quite say it yet - but I'll settle for the sign at least!

Something funny you do is you'll bring me an empty back of crackers and then do the sign for "more"! So smart!

You also know how to point to different parts of your body. Whenever we ask you, "Mila, where is your nose?" You smile and put your finger up your nose! It makes us laugh so much! You know head, eyes (you poke yourself in the eye when you show this one, haha!), mouth, teeth, tongue, ears, arm (still working on this one), neck, tummy, knees and feet. You do them SO well! I'm always so impressed that you have picked up on it. It's amazing to me that although you only say a handful of words, you understand so much more than we're aware!

Your favorite song lately is the classic, "If You're Happy and You Know It". It's a great song for kids, but since it's in English and we're trying to encourage Spanish, I decided to translate it. (So now we sing, "Si eres feliz y lo sabes, aplaude! (Si eres feliz y lo sabes, zapatea! Si eres feliz y lo sabes di yupi!) Si eres feliz y los sabes, y tu cara lo demuestra, si eres feliz y lo sabes aplaude!") You love when it says, "If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet!" You know exactly when to stomp! You've even taken it further - with ANY song you will now stomp your foot! You also like to swing your hips from side-to-side - such a great dancer!! Check out your awesome dance moves from our Mommy and Me music class: (Your friend Liam is the one in the Batman shirt and cape, LOL!!)

Lately, your Daddy has decided to be bold and to let you start walking outside more. I'll be honest, I'm not crazy about this idea. I'm afraid you won't want to be in your stroller anymore and with another kid on the way, I don't know how I'd manage it! But your Daddy insists you need to explore - which I agree - I just hope that doesn't mean that you'll abandon my preferred way of transportation!

Walking from the apartment to the car

Walking around the mall

You're now starting to be interested in feeding yourself. Kind of mixed emotions on this one. It's great that you want to do it, but the mess you're making can get pretty crazy. Lots for mommy to clean! You get food all over your high chair, the floor, your face, your clothes, your hair! I cringe at the thought of you feeding yourself, but I guess, how else will you learn? LOL!

After feeding (or attempted feeding!) yourself, your new favorite hobby is climbing. On everything. You love to climb on the back of the sofa and peer over the top to the other side. I'm a little nervous you'll topple over and fall back there! You'll try to climb onto the sofa, you'll try to climb the dining room chairs and even into your toy boxes! You get into everything!!

One of your favorite games, is one your daddy invented. We have these magnetized trains that link together and you'll chase them around and around, and you just laugh and laugh! You get so caught up with chasing that the train will be BEHIND you and you're still running forward. Mommy and Daddy get a kick out of playing this game!

Chasing the choo-choo!

Finally caught them!

I think G2 wants to play too! Do you see him/her popping out a little in this picture? :)

You're such a happy little girl. You love being silly. Here's a video of your adorable laugh!

Mommy and Daddy love seeing you happy. We hope you always stay that way. :)

I love you!

Your Mommy

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